In Server Explorer, select the view you want to open.
You can use Server Explorer to create new database diagrams.
Tables node in Server Explorer) on a data file can mark it as newer.
Figure 1 shows the Server Explorer connection to the DB2 sample database.
图1显示了到DB 2sample数据库的Server Explorer连接。
Provides steps for deleting a view from Server Explorer and the database.
This view offers greater functionality to the Server Explorer data connections.
该视图为Server Explorer数据连接提供更大功能。
Describes how to use Server Explorer to delete tables from an existing database.
Server Explorer will display these elements correctly and allow you to edit them.
The ability to view single or multiple result sets for a procedure in Server explorer.
能够在Server Explorer中查看一个过程的单个或多个结果集。
Drag the script from Server Explorer onto the Create script folder in Solution Explorer.
You can display properties for a function in the properties window from Server Explorer.
Once you do so, the databases hierarchy will show as nodes and files in Server Explorer.
You can drag a table, column, view, synonym, or table-valued function from Server Explorer.
In Server Explorer, right-click the database object for which you want to generate create scripts.
A table, view, or stored procedure can be selected in Server Explorer to create an XAML application.
可以在Server Explorer中选择一个表、视图或存储过程来创建XAML应用程序。
There is a new user interface to view result sets in DB2 connections on the Server Explorer. It gives you.
Server Explorer的DB 2连接中有一个用来查看结果集的新用户界面。
Once the connection is added, Server Explorer includes the connection object under Data Connections (Figure 8).
添加连接之后,在Server Explorer中DataConnections下面会包含这个连接对象(图8)。
In Server Explorer, expand the data Connections node and the particular node for the database you are working on.
Start a new instance of Visual Studio 2005, and make a connection to the DB2 sample database from Server Explorer.
在VisualStudio 2005中开始一个新实例,并从Server Explorer 中建立到DB2sample数据库的连接。
Click the OK button to create the database. The Server Explorer window will be updated to reflect the new addition.
Click the OK button to create the database. The Server Explorer window will be updated to reflect the new addition.
A new feature in IBM tooling is the ability to hide or show specific folders for a DB2 connection in Server Explorer.
IBM工具中的一项最新功能是能够隐藏或显示Server Explorer中用于DB 2连接的特定文件夹。
Disables the password text box so that you do not need to enter a password to open the connection from Server Explorer.
From the pop-up menu, select Add connection in Server Explorer, which launches the Add connection dialog, as shown in figure1.
在弹出式菜单中,选择server Explorer中的Addconnection,这将启动“Add connection”对话框,如图1所示。
Integration into Microsoft Server Explorer to perform database activity (such as manage connections and explore database objects).
与MicrosoftServer Explorer的集成,用以执行数据库活动(例如管理连接和浏览数据库对象)。
To delete tables from the Server Explorer tree, right-click on the appropriate table node in the tree, and choose the delete option.
要从Server explorer树中删除表,右键单击树中相应的表节点,然后选择Delete选项。
Unique to IBM tools is the ability to view single or multiple result sets for a procedure under the procedure node in Server Explorer.
IBM工具的一项独特功能是能够在Server Explorer过程节点的下方查看单个或多个过程结果集。
To delete the views from the Server Explorer tree, right-click on the appropriate view node in the tree, and select the delete option.
要从Server explorer树中删除视图,右键单击树中相应的视图节点,然后选择Delete选项。
Rapid application development functionality available on the Microsoft Server Explorer can now be used on DB2 database connections as well.
在MicrosoftServer Explorer上可用的快速应用程序开发功能现在同样可以在DB 2数据库连接上使用。
To execute a stored procedure or a function, right-click on the appropriate node in the Server Explorer tree, and select the execute menu option.
要执行存储过程和函数,右键单击server explorer树中的相应节点并选择Execute菜单选项。