We apologize for this service interruption and are working hard to resolve the problem.
Our experienced resources spearheaded by EDS can transition even the most mission critical environment smoothly and without service interruption.
To get around this problem, you could restart the service that owns the log file, although this service interruption might cause a rebellion among your users.
In this paper, we consider the queuing system for PRE priority discipline with service interruption by using the weak convergence theory of probability measure.
In this paper, the author illustrates some treating methods for trip of transmission lines and transformers, bus failures as well as overall service interruption in substations.
The utility model has the advantages of no service interruption, automated operation, good security, effective improving of production efficiency and decreasing of labor intensity.
Shortly thereafter, that stale, static status message on the MobileMe site was expanded to include this: "We understand this is a serious issue and apologize for this service interruption."
HP virtualization manager, HP Capacity Advisor, and virtual Machine migration (for IVM's) allow a running VM and its applications to be moved to a different VM host without service interruption.
Yet we rarely notice this interruption of service.
As additional members are started, clients automatically route to the new member without any interruption of service.
Be sure to include time in your scoping effort to design your WebSphere run-time environment and come up with a plan for migrating your existing run time with minimal cost and interruption of service.
Any prolonged interruption in a round trip that a Web service takes to send a request and receive a response is of concern.
As additional members are started, clients will automatically route to the new member without any interruption of service.
Software designed divide into three model: initialize, serial interruption service programming, serial port selected.
These clean zombie powder service claims how convenient and easy to use, the use of technology without interruption, official authorization, safe and sound.
And the best part is that I accomplished this with no interruption of service and very little effort.
Present equipment requires a high level of quality service without interruption.
Thecontrol unit buffers the interruption requests to schedule executions of corresponding service routines.
The memory device comprises a plurality of service routines stored at different entry addresses, each related to an interruption request.
So 10 percent of the time we have no visual information coming in. Yet we rarely notice this interruption of service.
Second, the nation's largest service provider migration to continue to serve our customers, do not expect any interruption of service, as it "passes" through.
Therefore, there might be fade-to-black, mosaic, and voice interruption when users use the streaming media service in peak time.
They need to provide 24 hours 365 days one year without interruption of network service, and timely response to the request of massive users.
Stability in long-time service. No interruption during the production cycle and no big waste of raw materials, thanks to avoidance of frequent filter replacement;
During the maintenance time window there will be about 15 minutes interruption to the Internet service.
During the maintenance time window there will be about 15 minutes interruption to the Internet service.