If you anticipate the action at home plate which is in bright sun, you can set your exposure for the bright home-plate area in advance.
We set up the site so that others could comment with their views, post pictures of agile in action, and sponsor, if they wish.
By including this in the churn model, the company could then set up processes to trigger immediate action at the first sign of customer discontent.
At work, she likes to remain on the set even after her scenes are over in order to watch the action.
He was proactive, rather than reactive-he took action and set himself in motion, and he hasn't stopped since.
Residents say that paramilitary soldiers have set up bunkers in areas of Peshawar close to the scene of military action and patrolled the streets in vehicles mounted with machine guns.
We felt we had to set up an issues database where we could raise action items, issues, and risks in a centrally located database.
The Alliance provides an opportunity to network, collaborate and coordinate activities to achieve the goals set out in the Kampala Declaration and Agenda for Global Action.
This action displays an editor in the middle of the page and a set of controls on the right.
Adventure photography has its own set of special challenges. In this gallery, get tips for capturing the best action shots.
The more effective approach is to simply pick a plan with the knowledge that it's flawed, set the plan in action, and then adapt, revise, or switch plans as the world unfolds.
When an action is set, the corresponding property is called, allowing for much flexibility in the way a component is wired.
In Listing 2, you can see the operator overloading I set up in Listing 1 in action.
Publication in India was scrapped after Reliance set its heart on legal action, but the book became required reading for anyone interested in Indian industry.
Another common action is to set the value of a node to a desired value, as shown in Listing 3.
Rather than filming with two cameras and adjusting Settings by hand, as directors must do in live-action stereoscopic films, animators can set cameras with computers.
Another common action is to set the value of a node to a desired value, as shown in Listing 3.
Be sure to set up your camera a safe distance away from any splashes and use your zoom to get right in on the action.
This action displays the current set of policies, as shown previously in Figure 7.
The action is set on St George's Day when a fair is held in the village.
Each element has an associated action attribute, which, in this particular case, can take on the values "set" or "add", along with a corresponding value attribute.
每个元素都有一个相关联的action属性,在这个示例中,这个属性可以具有“set ”或“add ”值,以及相应的value属性。
For each supported action, ask the operator to fill in values in the test component, and then click the Set button.
Inside the get method, a bean should be returned from the session if its instance is not set in the current action class instance.
You can also set breakpoints on the transformations in the Mapping Editor by right-clicking the transformation and selecting an action from the "Debug" menu.
还可以在MappingEditor 中对转换设置断点,方法是右键单击转换并从 “Debug” 菜单中选择一个操作。
Set the content type to application/json, set the action to the POST method, and set the content to send the data in Listing 10.
The Alliance will seek to spur country action implementing the ten-year health workforce plan set forth in the world health report 2006: Working together for health.
In addition, if you implement a validate method and set the validate flag in the corresponding action mapping entry in the Struts configuration file, the ActionServlet will invoke the validate method.
Next, in the Struts configuration file (WEB-INF\struts-config.xml), the Struts action mapping is set to forward to the index.vm file instead of the index.jsp
然后在Struts配置文件( WEB-INF\struts-config.xml),把 Struts动作映射设置为转向index.vm 文件而不是 index.jsp 文件,如清单 22 所示
Set the Don't take action twice in a row (wait until situation goes false then true again) radio button, so that the scripts are only run when the state of the application changes.
选择Don ' ttakeactiontwiceinarow(一直等待,直到情景变为假然后再次为真)单选按钮,以便脚本只在应用程序状态变化时执行。
Set the Don't take action twice in a row (wait until situation goes false then true again) radio button, so that the scripts are only run when the state of the application changes.
选择Don ' ttakeactiontwiceinarow(一直等待,直到情景变为假然后再次为真)单选按钮,以便脚本只在应用程序状态变化时执行。