On February 29th the SETI Institute launched another citizen-science project.
So a team led by SETI Institute astronomer Laurance Doyle decided to take a closer look.
Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, also was cautious in calling the particles alive.
加利福尼亚州搜寻地外文明学会(SETI Institute)的资深天文学家塞思·肖斯塔克也表现得非常谨慎,并不急于将这些粒子称为生命。
But others have done more than dream: Since 1984, scientists at the SETI Institute in California have been searching the skies for signals from other worlds.
The SETI Institute, listening to the cosmos for signs of signals from alien civilizations, may be monitoring the wrong "channels, " a U. S. astrophysicist says.
Run jointly by the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley, from a site in northern California, the ATA is ultimately intended to comprise 350 dishes.
在加利福尼亚州北部通过与SETI研究院和加州大学伯克利分校合作,ATA 的最终计划是构建起350个望远镜。
The SETI institute, which searches for extra terrestrial life, has compared picking up a signal’s modulation to picking up the sound of a flute when it’s masked by the noise of a waterfall.
The SETI institute, which searches for extra terrestrial life, has compared picking up a signal's modulation to picking up the sound of a flute when it's masked by the noise of a waterfall.
Jill Tarter, a director of the SETI Institute (search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), has been searching for life on other planets for the last 50 years without any guarantee of success.
Scientists from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (Seti) used infrared light from an instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to study the Nili Fossae rocks.
"Where we are, I'd expect that by the end of October, we'll be at 500 if things keep going the way they're going," said Jon Jenkins of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute.
Project Phoenix, the centerpiece of the SETI(Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)Institute in Mountain View, California, is performing a more focused search.
位于加利福尼亚的芒庭维尤搜寻外星人研究所的重点项目“凤凰计划”的搜索 目标更加 集中。“
Project Phoenix, the centerpiece of the SETI(Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)Institute in Mountain View, California, is performing a more focused search.
位于加利福尼亚的芒庭维尤搜寻外星人研究所的重点项目“凤凰计划”的搜索 目标更加 集中。“