In the Mozilla setup wizard, click Next.
Thank you for using Dell Easy Setup Wizard.
Run the network Setup Wizard to set up your Home network.
Figure 5 shows a screen shot of the DB2 client instance setup wizard.
图5展示DB 2客户端实例设置向导的屏幕截图。
Figure 4 shows a screen shot of the DB2 server instance setup wizard.
图4显示DB 2服务器实例设置向导的屏幕截图。
Easy to use setup wizard lets you setup and run a backup in seconds.
Running the ClearQuest Connector setup wizard opens the door for integration.
Setup Wizard is not complete. Do you really want to exit the Setup Wizard?
The setup wizard does not detect your workflow and requirements for logging defects.
Before running the DB2 Setup wizard, you need to define an installation user account.
在运行DB 2安装向导之前,需要定义一个安装用户帐户。
You can skip the setup wizard, and enter CLI mode to manually configure the switch.
The first time setup wizard will guide you through the process of configuring your SETTOP .
In this section you will start the Tomact server and log in to the Jazz Team server Setup wizard.
在本节中,您将会启动To mactserver并登录到JazzTeam server安装向导。
Setting up ScribeFire for your blog should be simple, thanks to a setup wizard for entering new blogs.
The following user rights are automatically granted to this account when it is created by the Setup wizard.
The driver for your sound card may cause problems with the Microphone Setup Wizard and speech recognition.
You can define the other user accounts prior to installation, or you can have the DB2 Setup wizard create them for you.
可以在安装之前定义其他用户帐户,也可以让DB 2安装向导为您创建。
The creative content in this portion of the setup wizard is very important when selling through the Affiliate Network.
No speech recognition engines found on your machine. Close the Microphone Setup wizard and re-install your application.
The Setup Wizard guides you through the initial switch configuration, and gets you up and running as quickly as possible.
Install db2 server using the db2 Installation setup Wizard (db2setup) and create a server instance db2inst1 at the same time.
使用db 2Installationsetup Wizard (db2setup)安装db 2服务器,并同时创建一个服务器实例db 2inst1。
You can create the DB2 UDB instance owner user account before installing DB2 UDB, or you can have the DB2 Setup wizard create it for you.
可以在安装DB 2udb之前创建DB 2 udb实例所有者用户帐户,也可以让DB 2安装向导来创建。
Setup Wizard is connecting to Kaspersky Lab activation server. This might take some time depending on your Internet connection speed.
You can create this user account before installing DB2 UDB and specify it in this screen, or you can have the DB2 Setup wizard create it for you.
可以在安装DB 2udb之前创建该用户帐户,然后在这里指定,也可以让DB 2安装向导为您创建该帐户。
The DB2 Setup wizard provides a set of intuitive instructions to help you navigate through the remainder of the deployment, as shown in Figure 5.
DB 2Setup向导提供一个直观的指令集来帮助您浏览其余部署,如图5所示。
In the DB2 Setup wizard, one of the screens (shown in Figure 3) prompts you to select a user account that can be used to start up the DAS service.
在DB 2安装向导中,其中有一个屏幕(如图3所示)提示选择用于启动DAS服务的用户帐户。
This guide is meant to provide you with assistance along the way and to help clarify anything you may have questions about in the setup wizard.
With its intuitive setup wizard guiding the process, the Harmony 1100 online interface allows you to enter your components' make and model numbers.
If the user name already exists, the DB2 Setup wizard appends a number from 1-99 to the default user name, until a user ID that does not already exist can be created.
如果该用户名已经存在,DB 2安装向导就会在默认的名称后面增加一个1- 99的数字,直到遇到一个不存在的用户ID。
The db2_install utility installs the DB2 file sets, but does not create an instance, users, or perform any other configuration tasks performed by the DB2 Setup wizard.
db2_install实用程序可以安装DB2文件集,但是不创建实例和用户,也不会执行任何其他由 DB2Setup向导执行的配置任务。