Night is the shadow of the day, and pain is the shadow of love.
Its day and night as if there is no limit, the day the night weather, and the night there are faint shadow of the day, as Lu Xun works to bring me the breath.
In order to track temporal hours during the day, inventors created sundials, which indicate time by the length or direction of the sun's shadow.
A five o'clock shadow is facial stubble. It sometimes describes a man's beard at the end of the day.
the sky day by day I lose sight of my true being in its dark shadow.
Networking online and off to find people with your dream career who will give you the inside scoop over a cup of coffee (your treat!) or let you shadow them for a day.
邀请一个从事你梦寐以求的工作的人(网上的或生活中的)喝杯咖啡,让他们告诉你一些关于这份工作的内幕。 或者请他们让你代替工作一天。
According to popular legend, if the groundhog leaves his den and sees his shadow, it's both a sunny day and a sign that we're in for six more weeks of winter.
In the shadow of malaria's many fatalities, the doctors of the research unit sometimes take turns working around the clock and hoping that one day soon, a vaccine will be found.
Here, an Indian boy walks with his mother under the shadow of Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium back to their temporary dwelling after having worked a full day on a drainage system on Feb. 3.
A five o'clock shadow is facial stubble, it sometimes describes a man's beard at the end of the day.
原来fiveo'clockshadow是指胡子,就是男生一天下来,到下午五点就会长出来的一点点胡子,所以人们就用five o'clock shadow来形容男生脸上的胡子茬子。
One day, in the mall to see the shadow of maltose, when excited, and a look of joy buy it.
While a simple white form, the play of light & shadow across the oval changes throughout the day & night animating all spaces of the house.
I do not want to own every day in her footsteps to follow, I would rather give up, from under the shadow of her escape.
To take this look from day to night, simply add a darker shadow over the top of your existing shadow. Pick a bolder eye color.
要从日间妆容变为夜间妆容,只要在现有眼影上施以深色眼影即可。选色彩大胆的眼影。 。
It is a tree on the roadside every day to put into the shadow of me.
The other day as we went up the deep canyon which lay in shadow with the arid mountains on both sides, it was full of birds, insects, and the quiet activity of small animals.
Perhaps the shadow of the Wild Rose Zheduo folk art in the thick of the fishing village charm Wuzhen that infiltration and yet another will be thick bloom day.
The screen of columns creates an ever-changing pattern of light and shadow throughout the seasons and times of the day, making the building a 'sensor' of light.
Sad day, you start to look for something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you a piece of what you already know. The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. This is a very mean and nasty place.
The group of pipes serves as both of the structural components and water pipes while affects light and shadow in architecture that vary along the day.
New Year's day is the beginning of the blessing, the departure date is the beginning of the miss, my girl, ah, why are you full of shadow?
On the first day of March, she sits in a corner with her biology textbook. A shadow comes over her table like a stormcloud. The stormcloud is Andre.
Out of the shadow in front of inferiority, must be a sunny day!
Shooting someone in front of a window during the day can present bad back-lighting problems—the camera will expose for the bright window, leaving your subject underexposed and lost in shadow.
That dark story of the past fades little by little every day, and there may come a time in which the shadow my lady's wickedness has cast upon the young man's life will utterly vanish away.
The day you left, I hide in shadow. There is full of beautiful sunshine outside, which make me even believe yours "wish you happy".
The specific position has not, such as the flow of time thousands of day and night, a hundred good cousin shadow never resident in the memory of a small corner.
The specific position has not, such as the flow of time thousands of day and night, a hundred good cousin shadow never resident in the memory of a small corner.