But the new version requires a password to access the information and we see it as a way in which couples can share information with each other.
Using the wood wide web, plants can share information and even food with each other.
What information will people not share with each other?
Web 2.0 and indeed Enterprise 2.0 strive to make it simpler and less expensive for individuals and businesses alike to share information, communicate with each other, and collaborate on projects.
Web 2.0(实际上是Enterprise 2.0),正在努力让个人或企业分享信息、互相沟通以及项目协作变得更简单,同时降低成本。
The web platform would be a place for researchers to connect with each other and share best practices and information about their work that doesn't get published.
The web platform would be a place for researchers to connect with each other and share best practices and information about their work that doesn't get published.