In the 21st century, all nations must take their share of responsibility for the global safety.
Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.
Q: I can't get my 6-year-old son to carry his share of responsibility around the house.
People often ask me what they can say to family members or coworkers who don't assume their share of responsibility.
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others.
I submit that it is time to demand that the critics assume their own share of responsibility for the recent problems.
But this ignores Germany's major share of responsibility for the currency and banking crises, if not for the sovereign-debt crisis.
Miz Hamidi says she still worries about the future of Afghanistan. She says Afghans must take their own share of responsibility in their country.
It was a big job, most of which would be performed by our European Allies, even as America had borne the lions share of responsibility for the air war.
If Europe wants to pull its weight on the global stage, it will have to act with greater unity of purpose and shoulder a greater share of responsibility.
Due to many difficulties that the media have to fulfill their responsibility, common people should take as much share of responsibility as possible.
The committee endorses Obama's appeal that 'Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges'.
The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that 'now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.'
Each and every country, enterprise and individual should assume a due share of responsibility in meeting the challenge. China takes this issue very seriously.
Budget statement of contest funds including such matters as revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds, profit distribution and share of responsibility for losses;
Climate change is a common challenge confronting the entire mankind. Each and every country, enterprise and individual should assume a due share of responsibility in meeting the challenge.
Everyone must assume his share of the responsibility to protect the environment.
I wanted to share her story because it speaks to what a lot of families are going through - and it offers a good example of the kind of responsibility that's needed in Washington right now.
David Cameron's initial Big Society speech certainly had its fair share of predictable responsibility invocations.
But we recognize that we share a responsibility for meeting the challenges of our time, from combating climate change to curbing nuclear proliferation and rebalancing the global economy.
Together, I am confident that we can move steadily in the direction of progress, and meet our responsibility to our people, and to the future that we will share.
While she acknowledged that parents and service providers share a responsibility in protecting the privacy of children, Shenkan listed five main practices that should be legislated.
Due to the central role played by hospitals in our communities, we all share the responsibility of making sure they are resilient in the face of emergencies.
However, accepting a Jewish share of moral responsibility does not make non-Jews less responsible.
However, accepting a Jewish share of moral responsibility does not make non-Jews less responsible.