Even established companies like Sharp Corp., which has been in the solar business for nearly 50 years, are entering the field.
The solar modules to be produced at the new line will have an energy efficiency of 17 percent, up from about 14 percent for the company's similar models, according to Sharp.
One problem for the emerging technology is cost, even in the aftermath of a sharp fall in solar panel prices, following a global glut of the main raw material, solar-grade silicon.
Toshiba was first to mass-produce laptops. Sharp—which got its name from inventing the mechanical pencil in 1915—pioneered solar cells and LCD screens.
Sharp in October forecast revenue from solar batteries may rise 34 percent to 280 billion yen in the 12 months to March from a year earlier.
Sharp, for example, is negotiating a deal with Enel, Italy’s biggest power company, under which it will build solar panels for use in Enel’s solar-power plants.
Sharp is adding an annual production capacity of 200 megawatts in single crystalline silicon solar at its factory in Sakai city, Japan, according to a statement today.
Sharp slipped to fourth place among manufacturers in 2008, after Q-Cells of Germany, First Solar of America and Suntech of China.
2008年夏普下降到第四位,位居德国Q -Cells,美国FirstSolar和中国无锡尚德之后。
Sharp is "in talks" with Italian utility Enel SpA to locally coproduce thin-film solar cells whose lower costs offset their lower efficiency than what is used by consumers.
夏普正在就在意大利本地生产薄膜组件来降低成本与EnelSpA “交谈中”。
From a spectacular vantage point, looking back toward the inner solar system, the robot spacecraft recorded this view of the night side of Saturn casting a sharp shadow across the bright rings.
And new "thin film" solar cells, being promoted by Sharp and a host of start-ups, require little or no polysilicon and are thus not vulnerable to supply shortages.
The solar departments of large corporations – besides Sharp and Kyocera, this would include others such as Sanyo, Mitsubishi, BP Solar and Schott – have been left behind at least for now.
除了夏普和京瓷,像Sanyo ,三菱重工,BPSolar 还有Schott 这些仅仅是大公司的太阳能部门暂时要被甩在后面了。
Do not use sharp objects to scratch or scrape the surfaces of the solar panels.
Sharp Corp., the largest manufacturer of solar cells in Japan, owns the largest solar panel plant in the UK.
Lead to this kind of phenomenon is the main reason: the sharp decline in the world oil prices, and the solar energy product prices, lack of competitiveness;
Lead to this kind of phenomenon is the main reason: the sharp decline in the world oil prices, and the solar energy product prices, lack of competitiveness;