The tissue culture technology about shoot-tip and stem with auxiliary bud of Kalanchoe Blossfeldian were studied.
The chlorophyll content of shoot-tip seedlings was higher than that of virus infected plants.
Objective To identify if the tobacco mosaio virus remains of plantlets from shoot-tip culture of Rehmannia glutinosa.
The mother taros of shoot-tip seedlings were like spindle, and the individual was even. The merchandise value was high.
The tissue culture technology about shoot-tip and stem with auxiliary bud of Kalanchoe Blossfeldian, which were used as explant, were studied.
Photo Tip: Try slowing down the shutter when you shoot water-this always adds an interesting effect.
Photo Tip: When shooting at sunset, don't just shoot the sun itself.
Photo Tip: If you use a tripod and a very slow shutter speed to shoot a moving subject, you can get a dramatic contrast between sharp and blurred detail.
Photo Tip: A great way to capture action at the peak of the burst is to shoot in bulb mode.
照片说明 :要捕捉到焰火绽放得最灿烂的那一刻,最好的方式将相机设为“夜景模式”(bulb mode)。
And the hair cells on the shoot tip and the embryo had the structural features secretory cells had.
Shoot tip culture in the most important factor is the impact of the cut tip size, tip length is less than the general requirements of 1mm.
Technical tip is usually the smaller the cut, the effect of virus-free as possible, but low survival rate of shoot tip culture.
Answer:A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant.
Answer:A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant.