Then he showed them how to shoot at the target with a bow and an arrow.
Our faith is the center of the target at which God doth shoot when he tries us; and if any other grace shall escape untried, certainly faith shall not.
Staring with terror into the seemingly bottomless and beckoning abyss, the young man could not force himself to step out onto the log, no less shoot at a target.
I will shoot three arrows to the side of it, as though I were shooting at a target.
Isabel Fenton of West Springfield, Mass. was flying a Vega Ventura about 6, 000 feet over the dunes off Camp Davis the other day, hauling an airplane target for a battery to shoot at.
Isabel Fenton of West Springfield, Mass. was flying a Vega Ventura about 6,000 feet over the dunes off Camp Davis the other day, hauling an airplane target for a battery to shoot at.
We must "shoot the arrow at the target".
By calculating the robot's position, pose and desired shoot Angle dynamically, the soccer robot was controlled to move to target at ellipse curve and shoot quickly.
Add the sight and a target and shoot at close range. Practice often during the day and only for 10 to 15 shots.
Running target and clay-pigeon shooter shall shoot at standing position with both hands holding the gun.
Concentrate, take aim at the target and shoot the narrow part.
Concentrate, take aim at the target and shoot the narrow part.