To influence demand, the central banks move a short-term interest rate up or down by adjusting the supply of bank reserves.
First of all, the prime lending rate is the interest rate that Banks charge each other for short term loans.
It is not going to be easy in an economy where highly controlled financial markets render normal instruments of monetary control (for example, the short-term interest rate) relatively ineffective.
Banks raise most of their money through short-term household deposits on which they pay an interest rate of just 0.7 percent. They lend at rates of 6 percent or more.
The odds are high it will also cut its short-term interest rate, now 2%, to 1.5% either at or before its policy meeting at the end of October.
The price that banks charge each other for short-term lending is closely aligned with the interest rate set by the central bank, the ultimate font of cash.
Of course, the short-term interest rate isn't the cost of capital; the long-term interest rate is.
Citing "downside risks" to a much-reduced economic outlook, the Fed said its short-term interest-rate target, near zero since the end of 2008, will probably stay there until at least mid-2013.
The continued strong depositors appetite for savings deposits in part reflected the narrowing of the interest rate spread between the short-term time deposit rate and the savings deposit rate.
As to the ability for explanatory power of short-term interest rate and that for capturing conditional volatility, there are remarkably differences among each model.
Citing "downside risks" to a much-reduced economic outlook, the Fed said its short-term interest - rate target, near zero since the end of 2008, will probably stay there until at least mid-2013.
During the first half of 2010 the eurozone enjoyed nominal short-term interest rates of near zero a big fall in the euro-dollar exchange rate and an expansive fiscal policy.
The SDR interest rate will continue to be determined as a weighted average of the interest rates on short-term financial instruments in the markets of the currencies in the SDR basket.
This paper uses GARCH models and event study method to study the short-term control effect of interest rates adjustment and deposit reserve rate adjustment policies to stock market.
For better understanding of the dynamics short-term interest rates, the paper establishes a basic model of term structure for China's interbank offered rate.
I think a short-term interest rate increases will not be coupled with an interest, management will observe a period of time.
Secondly, the author takes into account the effect of the jump process on short-term interest rate.
Rising interest rate differentials relative to European short - and long-term assets made private sector purchases of dollar-denominated assets more attractive.
Bonds feel "safer" because they promise a fixed rate of interest, but the problem is that bonds can actually lose money in the short term as well, particularly if you have a period of inflation.
If you decide to take out a short-term loan with us, say for 6 months or less, the interest rate shall be for that of a 6-month loan.
Of course, the short-term interest rate isn't the cost of capital;
Of course, the short-term interest rate isn't the cost of capital;