This includes the impact of short-term lets on housing costs and quality of life for residents.
A noted sceptic on the dotcom and housing booms, he closed his short-only fund (which bet on falling prices) in 2008.
Presently, the topic on relations between housing and land price is studied more and more, but the majority was based on conceptual analysis, short of empirical study.
An earth shovel device composed of two shaft seats, a short shaft and an earth shovel plate fixed on the short shaft is fixed on a housing close to the upper shaft.
To digest in a short time on one hundred million square meters of vacant housing is not an easy task indeed, how high housing vacancy rate down, Professor Yang has his own views.
On the other hand, property tax may reduce the short-run housing price, but is possible to increase the long-run housing price.
The study also shows that the housing sales volume have the positive impact on the urbanization ratio, in which the short-term housing sales volume play a major role.
The study also shows that the housing sales volume have the positive impact on the urbanization ratio, in which the short-term housing sales volume play a major role.