And some Banks need to reduce further their reliance on short-term borrowing.
As they made loans faster than they gathered customer deposits, Banks plugged the gap by short-term borrowing, often from other financial firms.
True, it has encouraged risk-taking and short-term borrowing, and banks have allocated their resources neither efficiently nor wisely.
A 0% credit card can also be useful for paying off big-ticket items or short-term borrowing, but don't keep money on it for longer than the 0% offer lasts - you will be hammered with interest.
On Wednesday India's central bank raised a key short-term borrowing rate by a quarter percentage point to 8.0%.
Because such yields determine the borrowing costs of Banks and firms, long-term yields are arguably more important than short-term rates in driving growth.
The risk is that China's transition will be made worse by policies whose effect will be to cause a short-term and unsustainable rise in fiscal borrowing, bank debt and corporate inventory.
They do not take demand deposits, relying on short-term borrowing instead.
First, system-wide measures of borrowing and “maturity mismatch”, where banks use short-term funding to buy long-term assets.
Further US dollar strength will hamper China's efforts to stabilise the renminbi and limit capital flight, with the risk that the country raises short-term borrowing costs.
SINCE last August, some of the world's most powerful central bankers have battled with growing resourcefulness to restore the law of gravity to the market that Banks use for short-term borrowing.
Portugal's borrowing costs rose sharply Wednesday as it sold almost one and a half billion dollars in short-term securities.
The lowest deposit rate set by the central bank ACTS as a floor for short-term interest rates in money markets and for borrowing rates generally.
The heavy dependence on short-term borrowing implies that there are huge short-term loans in circulation.
Now incidentally, often bank loans to corporations are short-term, technically, so the bank is both lending short and borrowing short.
There has been no recent need for long-term or short-term borrowing.
European Banks have long been short on deposits relative to their assets and have made up the difference by short-term borrowing, largely by selling short-term notes to U. s. money-market funds.
The balance of short-term international commercial borrowing shall be controlled by the State. Without the ratification of the State, the approved balance shall not be exceeded.
For us, it's about making short-term borrowing affordable and simple so we can help asset-rich but cash-poor individuals and business owners.
The first time I remember learning about this was in some finance course where the prof gave the admonition about not borrowing short for long-term business needs.
Their work shows that the credit bust was preceded by an explosion of short-term borrowing by U. S. securities dealers such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns.
他们的研究显示,信贷泡沫破灭之前,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)和贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)等美国证券交易商的短期借款曾经出现爆发式增长。
Their work shows that the credit bust was preceded by an explosion of short-term borrowing by U. S. securities dealers such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns.
他们的研究显示,信贷泡沫破灭之前,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)和贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)等美国证券交易商的短期借款曾经出现爆发式增长。