He also spotted a smooth area on the trunk of one the trees at about shoulder height.
Comparing the two photographs later, I could calculate the shoulder height of the rhino.
Reaching Forward to Retrieve an Object (pencil) Held at Shoulder Height with OutstretchedArm.
Continue to work upward so that the top of the igloo is about shoulder height with the person working inside.
The right to clench fist and stretched to shoulder height, use left hand holding the right arm below the dewlap.
It takes more than 10 seconds, for instance, for the lightest material we've made to fall if you drop it from shoulder height.
The forked connecting strap is fastened in 2 points, over shoulder height, ensuring a proper load distribution and a correct landing position in case of deployment.
It is indicated that if the shoulder height of the stepped cross section piston ring is properly selected, its bearing capacity may be greater than that of the cir...
'Incorrect height of your armrest can really add to your neck-shoulder problems,' says Bharati Jajoo, co-founder of Bangalore-based ErgoWorks Inc., which helps companies on work-related health issues.
班加罗尔(Bangalore)ErgoWorksInc.公司的联合创始人贾尤(BharatiJajoo)说,办公时双手摆放的高度不对,会加剧你的肩颈问题。 ErgoWorks Inc.公司帮助公司处理各种工作健康问题。
What makes me a deep impression is her wide shoulder, wider than other girls who have the same height as her.
He's getting big, and reaches the height of my shoulder now.
Therefore, it could develop a new type index (l) for the evaluation of the type of source materials by the relative height of shoulder peak.
We are looking for 300ml PET bottle with pump. Round bottle, 6cm dia, 11cm height (till shoulder), pump Silver and black combination.
If the semi-circular component has greater deadweight, the height of the counter shoulder protector can be reduced.
Length of shoulder blade and upper arm are equal. Height from elbow to Withers approximately equals height from ground to elbow.
Step backwards. keep the body straight and at the same height. the hand pushing forward should be between the shoulder and the eyebrow.
Step backwards. keep the body straight and at the same height. the hand pushing forward should be between the shoulder and the eyebrow.