Cancer refers to the teeth straight line-at the junction between the sigmoid colon cancer, digestive tract is one of the most common malignant tumor.
Objective To investigate the effect of allogeneic leucocytes in blood transfusion on the level of immune cells in sigmoid colon cancer patients undergoing radical surgery.
One patient developed a painful umbilical nodule 1.5 years after an uncomplicated colectomy. Another suffered an indurated umbilical nodule associated with an obstructive sigmoid colon cancer.
Results: Cancer can be found in cases of various age, specially between 55 and 70 years old, in various location, 80% was in rectum and sigmoid colon.
结果:癌肿可见于任何年龄,最多见55 ~ 70岁;癌肿可见于大肠任何部位,其中直肠、乙状结肠占80%。
Results: Cancer can be found in cases of various age, specially between 55 and 70 years old, in various location, 80% was in rectum and sigmoid colon.
结果:癌肿可见于任何年龄,最多见55 ~ 70岁;癌肿可见于大肠任何部位,其中直肠、乙状结肠占80%。