The story starts in the streams and lakes of the northwestern United States, where North American signal crayfish are a familiar sight.
Allen Pleus, with the Department of fish and Wildlife in Washington State, says that the signal crayfish is an important species in his region.
The North American signal crayfish, which had been introduced to English waters decades ago and spread steadily north, were taking over. "They were big animals."
The problem isn't just the size or quantity of the intruders; it's that the signal crayfish eat the same insects and larvae as the prize-winning trout that are native to these streams.
The North American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is one of several species introduced into the UK for aquaculture in the 1970s, and which have since made themselves right at home.
The North American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is one of several species introduced into the UK for aquaculture in the 1970s, and which have since made themselves right at home.