Conclusions: Compared to simple preanesthetic visit, it has no significant result on reducing anxiety in patients.
One can then begin to detect the patterns and to make the informed judgements which will help to produce a significant result.
A user interface (60) displays the clinically or preclinically significant result together with the associated confidence interval.
In northern part of Tarim basin, He measurement combined with acidolytic hydrocarbon technique gives a significant result in oil and gas prospecting.
This means that while a statistically significant result may indicate a problem with heterogeneity, a non-significant result must not be taken as evidence of no heterogeneity.
Since children seldom develop serious complications from influenza, no significant public health benefit would result from widespread vaccination of children using the nasal spray.
Granovetter's research showed that a significant percentage of people get their jobs as a result of recommendations or advice provided by a weak tie.
In some situations like the usage of message aggregation this could cause a significant problem and result in processing effectively hanging for a time.
However, unexpected reboots and system lock-ups can result in significant corruption of recently-modified data.
The result is a significant decrease in response time and reduction of application processing.
Being a man or a woman has a significant impact on health, as a result of both biological and gender-related differences.
To some extent processing power or specific build strategies can reduce the time required, but by themselves they are unlikely to result in any significant change in the problem.
This difference may seem small, but statistically it is highly significant, which suggests it is the result of evolution.
Failing to properly "warm up" the JVM can result in a significant skewing of performance measurements in two ways.
如果没有让JV m适当地“热身”,那么J VM可能在两个方面导致性能度量上的偏差。
Still, economists say Beijing's change in language, while significant, is unlikely to result in a sharp jump in the yuan.
As a result, we have seen significant increases in the productivity of developers.
Practically it's unlikely that this will result in significant pain relief for pain in areas other than the hands and the ongoing duration of the relief is not known.
Practically, it's unlikely that this will result in significant pain relief for pain in areas other than the hands, and the ongoing duration of the relief is not known.
When this is scaled across the number of defects normally seen in a project, it can result in significant delays to fixing code and getting a working system delivered to the customer.
Tuning the AIX VMM can result in significant performance improvements for workloads.
There also appeared to be a benefit from eating vegetables, but improvements didn't result in statistically significant increases in lifespan.
The net result is a significant reduction in total cost of ownership using Domino 7.
Even if all the documents and code are placed under configuration management, this approach is likely to result in significant and fundamental problems.
This operation will result in an integer whose most significant 3 bytes will be zeroed out.
This process helps to avoid the significant consequences which can result from frequent schema and user database updates (see below).
You may see significant local improvement, but little impact on the overall result.
Changes to this metadata can result in a significant cost of time, productivity, and responsiveness for an enterprise.
Changes to this metadata can result in a significant cost of time, productivity, and responsiveness for an enterprise.