For example, if a simple majority of two out of three people is needed for approval after two "yes" votes, there is no need for the additional person to perform the approval.
The threshold for such votes is usually a simple majority of those present: Arcelor's hurdle looks as if it was erected to be insurmountable.
Earlier this year, Republicans sought to use their 55-to-45 advantage to change Senate rules so that a simple majority of votes would be enough to confirm a judicial nominee.
Black greed like that found in all of Africa - is sufficiently comfortable within the ANC government which has sidelined minority policing - secured majority votes through simple demographics.
That was enough: after three days of voting in which no candidate won a two-thirds majority, Mr Mattarella was elected on the fourth round, which required a simple majority, by 665 votes out of 1,009.
The OIE adopt standards, guidelines and recommendations by a simple majority of votes cast.
The OIE adopt standards, guidelines and recommendations by a simple majority of votes cast.