Simplified calculation formula is presented, which provide good references for design and construction.
Based on analytical calculation, a simplified calculation formula is induced for the statics of enriched blast combustion.
The simplified calculation formula form of cracking moment is simple and the analytical results agree well with that of experiments.
The simplified calculation formula for effective support length of end beam is determined by the code (GB50003-2001) for design of masonry structure.
《砌体结构设计规范》GB50003 2001关于梁端有效支承长度采用了简化计算公式。
The results show that the values from this simplified calculation formula is consistent to the test data and it can be used to design the spiral structures.
The suitable simplified calculation formula for calculation at working site is presented on the basis of making mathematical transformation and analysis to the mathematics model.
Taking a simplified foundation plane ast he example, this paper derives a recommended formula with less calculation errors, improving the method for calculating the width of strip foundation.
According to force analyzing of missile, the complicated force calculation has been replaced by the fitting formula, and a simplified trajectory model has been developed.
It recommends that the calculation of geometrical spreading loss of running trains noise adopt the theories calculation formula or the simplified formula of directional characteristic of dipole.
Based on the above results the simplified calculation of tube structures has also been discussed, and the equivalent column formula of flange-frame has been presented in this paper.
A simplified model for directional collapse of a construction is presented and a calculation formula on the minimum height of blasting cut is developed.
Via the construction of geometric model, calculation formula for the head of worm lathe tool has been deduced, which has simplified calculation program.
Based on the test and analysis a simplified formula for the joints' aseismic calculation was developed. The calculated results are in good agreement to those of the model test.
In the end, an example of practical calculation is cited. The results show that the simplified formula meets the selection requirements of parameters and can be used in practical engineering design.
A simplified cracking strength formula for steel fiber reinforced concrete joint has been presented, and the calculation results are in good agreement with the test results.
Dimensionless parametrization is carried out for the calculation formula of magnetically transmitted torque. The simplified formula is simple, directly perceivable and convenient in use.
In this paper, these two points for further calculation of the impact of FL and FBH parameters, and derived non-simplified formula.
In this paper, these two points for further calculation of the impact of FL and FBH parameters, and derived non-simplified formula.