Since the Tertiary period, the Red River Fault Zone suffered both of the sinistral movement and dextral movement, but the activities of the north and the south segment were different.
The origin of the Jiyang movement is closely related to the transformation of the Tanlu Fault Belt from sinistral to dextral movements.
Resulting from the sinistral displacement of the NE-trending fault, there is a pull-apart basin in the Feng Zhou area.
Controlled by sinistral shear stress of the regional major fault during magma emplacement, the granite distributed from the southeast to the northwest.
The north east fracture which is the south boundary of Yanshan fault block shows relative notable sinistral movement.
The Altun fault experienced an intracontinental cycle of extension-compression during Neogene in a background of sinistral strike-slipping.
On that basis, the paper discusses whether the Tanlu fault is a gigantic sinistral strike-slip fault or a transform fault.
According to lots of field works, two phases of sinistral strike-slip ductile shear belts were found in the Tan-Lu fault zone.
Since the Miocene, the fold in the Shuanghe group (N1s) stroke in NE when the main fault on the basin rim changed into sinistral thrust.
Since the Miocene, the fold in the Shuanghe group (N1s) stroke in NE when the main fault on the basin rim changed into sinistral thrust.