Moms, don't sit on the bench at the park; kick a ball around with your kids.
All right if we sit on the bench?
"Alright," I told him as I went to sit on the bench.
The Lakers didn't bring him back to sit on the bench.
Nick's voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?
I was not happy. Why should I sit on the bench in the real contest?
Instead of playing with your kids you sit on the bench because your back hurts too bad.
I have done that for years now, but never managed to pick myself in the end, so I sit on the bench.
A month after Meg's passing, I took a tray2 into the garden for dad.he liked to sit on the bench in the sunshine.
And the bottom line was: You could not get more honorable people to sit on the bench in the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Similarly sit on the bench then fixed, and in front of monitors What is the difference between reading of the physical and mental loss.
That would certainly be great, but if it meant Montenegro winning the match, then I would be willing to sit on the bench to make that happen.
Just like he sit on the bench of the street and tell the pass by his legend story, he added three words to the front of each theory: my mother says.
Not that he's playing horrible, but from time to time he should sit on the bench just like the others to know how much is it to always performe good.
It is, though, surprisingly inert. A lump of graphite or a diamond will sit happily on a laboratory bench without bursting into flames, or even rusting, and is impervious to the action of water.
A lump of graphite or a diamond will sit happily on a laboratory bench without bursting into flames, or even rusting, and is impervious to the action of water.
"Hello Julia." he greeted. "You can sit there on the bench next to Trevor." he said as she slipped on the bench.
Eugene sits at the piano in the big pit and I sit on a bench up front.
I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his lips, and in the evening, when I invited him to dinner - restaurant two blocks away - have him say, 'Too much trouble, old man.
The tree of Qiu Fazu in Tongji campus must grow stronger, but the stone bench you and your lover usually sit on it is yesterday’s one?
I would sit on a bench, watching the countryside expand with light.
Sit down here next to me on the bench if you would, please, Jimmy.
MEXICO CITY -- Rodrigo Telon Yucute focuses on the sound of the voices, raises a camera and snaps off a shot, capturing an image of a couple laughing as they sit on a yellow park bench.
罗德里戈·塔隆·于库特(RodrigoTelon Yucute)专心致志辨识着人语声,端起相机,按下快门,捕捉到了一对情侣嬉笑的画面,相片中两人正坐在公园一张黄色的长椅上。
He was about to sit down on a bench when the doorkeeper said, “Use the floor, Chenayya.”
The bench is comfortable to sit on.
If the weather is good, she will sit on a bench of the park sunning herself.
The mother raised her head and thanked her, and bade the wayfarer SIT down on the bench at the door, she herself being seated on the threshold.
The mother raised her head and thanked her, and bade the wayfarer SIT down on the bench at the door, she herself being seated on the threshold.