Once Ken has used up his initial free time, the site automatically generates an E-mail to his designated address with a link to allow him to update his subscription.
Any change that occurs at one site should automatically replicate over to the other development sites.
Content publishers who create new content objects select the content template and site area, and this pair then automatically links to the required page design.
You can also modify the program to maintain a multimap: if you know the source of each link, you can automatically generate a map of the site hierarchy and interconnections.
It takes care of automatically downloading and updating selected tools from a central distribution site, and presents all available tools to the user in an integrated tool catalog.
Highly dynamic parts of the site will automatically be rendered in pages indicating lifetime and cache scope appropriate for the component markup fragments that are contained on those pages.
What might be nice is to have an application that can snap individual pictures and automatically upload them to a remote site.
The tool then automatically logs you on securely to the selected site.
The site allows you to stitch your photos automatically, and its viewer lets others' look around 'the panorama.
He set up a site called Deathswitch, where people can set up e-mails that will be sent out automatically if they don't check in at intervals they specify, like once a week.
In fact, content and applications would ideally be provided in such a way that the information would automatically be delivered to a site visitor in the most convenient and applicable manner.
Tip: You can leverage the DB2 automatic client-reroute feature to automatically reconnect the application across sites once a site failure or reintegration has occurred.
If I travel with my laptop to Stockholm, I wouldn't want every site to automatically convert everything to Swedish formatting just because I've physically changed locations.
When an outage occurs at the primary site, the apps switch automatically to the standby site although a manual process is available if preferred.
AutoPager. Automatically loads the next page of a site. You can just scroll down instead of having to click to the next page.
Version 6 is available for download from the company's Web site, but existing users can expect to receive the update automatically.
So, if you need more bandwidth (to perform downloads or play online games), you can log on to the provider's Web site and use a Web page to automatically upgrade your connection to the provider.
And if automatic client reroute is used in conjunction with HADR, client applications can automatically be rerouted to the DR database copy or site in the event of a failover.
如果结合使用AutomaticClient Reroute和HADR,在发生故障转移时,客户机应用程序可以自动地重新路由到DR数据库拷贝或站点。
There is one disadvantage to this method: Unless the plug-in you install specifies an update site within its files, Eclipse can't check for its updates automatically.
Whenever a new instance of the Photo Book component is created, the Lotus Quickr server automatically copies this site area into a library representing the component instance.
In most cases, you also no longer need to configure the portlets, since they will pick up the page context automatically and render the default content item of that site area.
The main support Web site contains many references to documents on these others sites, and in some cases can automatically search for relevant documents on these sites.
The file's contents are read and automatically displayed on the Grails Web site every time you check your plug-in into the public Subversion repository.
Finally, unlike Twitter, TwitZap's site is updated automatically and in real time, at the speed you choose with the little bar in the upper left corner.
In Part 7 you saw how we implement our method of automatically setting a class value based on what section of the Web site is being displayed.
The Update Site editor opens automatically to the Site Map tab, from which you can add new categories and features to include in the update site.
UpdateSite打开时会自动切换至 SiteMap 项,从该项中,您可以向更新站点中添加新的类别与特性。
If they drag it to their My Widgets sidebar, the installation of your feature from your update site is automatically triggered.
如果他们将该文件拖拽到My widgets侧栏,那么将自动触发来自更新站点的特性安装。
Finally the article looked at how you can upgrade the content of your existing Web site using RDFa and Microformats so that GRDDL services can automatically extract RDF from your pages.
最后本文介绍了如何使用RDFa和Microfor mats升级现有Web站点的内容,以便GRDDL服务可以从页面中自动提取rdf。
Essentially, users can email photos to Posterous, which are then automatically posted to Twitter (and Facebook) in addition to being added to their Posterous blog site.
However, on this French site, the language wasn't automatically detected, and the text didn't get translated at all, even though Google said it had done so.