The developer should have a good judgment with the analytical skill to obtain the true information, so that can find out the best or quite material to construct the real estate product.
Make sure new employees understand they are being hired for their brainpower and skill, not to obtain trade secrets from former employers.
I want to obtain one to be able to further display my special skill and ability work.
Among which the reading skill is one of the effective and direct way to obtain knowledge.
So, it is possible to obtain some new information from pressure energy and moist enthalpy, which will be useful for improving the heavy rainfall forecasting skill.
因此, 分析压能场与湿焓场可以获取一些新的信息,这对提高暴雨的预报能力可以起到一定的作用。
Self-confidence is an essential psychological quality for athletes, it is also an important condition to obtain good competitive performance and sports skill.
Applicants who require a skills assessment as part of their visa application must contact a relevant assessing authority directly to obtain a skill assessment.
The human capital contribution refer to the behavior that the human capital owners take knowledge, skill and information as contribution object, obtain the corresponding stock.
Project proposal is the critical document to obtain imbursement, so how to write a wonderful project proposal is a basic skill of project managers and researchers.
Project proposal is the critical document to obtain imbursement, so how to write a wonderful project proposal is a basic skill of project managers and researchers.