If the woman of the west and east thought the same way, western women wouldn't spend so much money on cream that makes skin darker and women from the east wouldn't need to use cream that makes skin whiter.
Staying hydrated will help with itching and drying skin as well as keeping lotion and moisturizers on the skin, so be sure to drink plenty of water and slather moisturizers so your skin can drink too.
保持肌肤水润有助缓解肌肤瘙痒和干燥,还有助肌肤吸收润肤乳和保湿霜,所以一定要喝很多水,抹大量保湿霜,这样你的肌肤也能“喝” 饱水。
Initial tests on human skin cells have been encouraging; wounds do heal faster, skin grows back at an accelerated pace.
Ultimately, in the very distant future, we would like to make a skin which performs really like human skin and to be able to connect it to nerve cells on the arm and thus restore sensation.
In this study, the researchers determined that skin flakes on surfaces were covering those surfaces with squalene, thus making those Windows, doors or couches break up ozone as well as skin does.
On the seventh day the priest is to examine him, and if it is spreading in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is an infectious skin disease.
Indeed, Dr Atala is working on one that would scan the contours of the part of a body where a skin graft was needed and then print skin onto it.
With an increasing population that is also interested in skin care, the need for skin care specialists or estheticians is on the rise.
If you take care of your skin and skin hazards this summer or on your vacation, you'll have a lot more fun and more time to enjoy your fun.
They found common bacteria living on the surface of skin that can help wounds to heal by releasing a special molecule to stop outer-skin cells getting inflamed.
However, ask any dermatologist and they will tell you one of the best ways to slow the effects on aging on your skin lies in just providing the right nutrition to your skin.
In addition to being a tried and true method of neatly exfoliating skin, the baby oil and sugar mixture also is very beneficial in ensuring a proper moisture level in and on your skin.
According to experts, the 'skin-to-skin' bonding between mother and baby has a tremendous effect on the baby.
Scientists have long known that vitamin D is a vital nutrient that the skin produces when hit by sunlight. The amount varies, depending on where the person lives, skin pigment, age and other factors.
Manufacturers calculate SPF based on how long it takes to sunburn skin that's been treated with the sunscreen as compared with skin that hasn't been treated with sunscreen.
One artificial skin, made by researchers at Stanford University, is 1,000 times more sensitive than human skin and is based on organic transistors.
What products give your skin a gorgeous glow depends on whether your skin is dry, oily or in-between.
His skin, once a dark brown, became the color of paste, a transition he blamed on the skin disease vitiligo.
This is important because any hair that comes between the skin and an object placed on the skin will reduce the friction.
In fact, skin creams have gotten more and more expensive and less and less based on real science, the science behind skin care is simpler than most of us think.
Of course, the weight of skin varies depending on its owner, with skinnier people's skin weighing less than their heavier brethren.
The skin-prick test: a drop of a solution containing the suspected allergen is placed on the skin of the subject's forearm, which is then pricked with a needle.
you can see certain information on the onion’s skin, and then to get further details we need to peel off the skin and reveal what lies underneath.
The comprehensive distribution of these growth factors on skin implies that they may be the basic message media to skin cells.
When applied, they do not correct skin cells, instead they "mask" the damaged skin only on the surface of the skin for a temporary period.
Usage: Take a few drops of water with the appropriate amount, and in his hand a stirring coating on the skin, with specific moisture to the skin moisturizing began.
Usage: Take a few drops of water with the appropriate amount, and in his hand a stirring coating on the skin, with specific moisture to the skin moisturizing began.