This whole-country-rental idea started with rapper Snoop Dogg.
I think there is nothing sadder than watching a grown man listen to Eminem or Snoop Dogg in his car.
Some like Snoop Dogg, Lady Gaga, Samuel L. Jackson, Johnny Depp and Quentin Tarantino are way cooler than others.
This is the virtual playground that Snoop Dogg has recently tapped to mint nearly $200,000, according to the research.
Musicians, such as Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, members of the KISS, and the rapper Snoop Dogg have all rung the NYSE bell.
This is the virtual playground that Snoop Dogg has recently tapped to mint nearly $200, 000, according to the research.
After seeing that many teenagers were spending their time and allowances there, Ms. Schwartz explained the concept to Snoop Dogg.
Schwartz意识到很多青少年在虚拟世界中投入时间和零花钱,随后她把虚拟物品的概念解释给Snoop Dogg。
She said it was an easy sell, given that Snoop Dogg had been one of the first rap musicians to license works for ring tones and voice tones.
Artists like Lady Gaga and Elvis are also notable, and recent successes in the virtual world involving Snoop Dogg could be the beginning of something seriously real - or, virtually real.
艺人像Lady Gaga和猫王也很值得关注,当然最近在虚拟世界中的成功人物要属史努比狗狗了,他可能是开启了一些很现实的东西,或许是虚拟的现实。
The Perry-Snoop collaboration, which enjoyed a six-week run at the top of Billboard’s Hot 100 list, concludes with Snoop Dogg delivering a line that recalls the lyrics of the Beach Boys classic.
"America," says Price, "boasts the world's coolest leader, Obama; the coolest rappers, Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg; and the coolest man in technology, Steve Jobs of Apple, the man who even made geeks cool."
"America," says Price, "boasts the world's coolest leader, Obama; the coolest rappers, Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg; and the coolest man in technology, Steve Jobs of Apple, the man who even made geeks cool."