The little dwarfs, when they came home in the evening, found poor Snow-white on the ground;
In the evening, the weather broke: the wind shifted from south to northeast, and brought rain first, and then sleet and snow.
The front photo of today's Yangtse Evening Post shows a girl playing in the snow in Nanjing.
Evening, wait until the last one finished her parents to take children, leave the campus, walking in the snow, see tonight Starlight, occasionally thin Rourou to falling snow.
And so we arrived in the snow-capped mountains under the small town of Bomi, is seven in the evening, God, you save me.
Snow is expected to be heaviest along the Allegheny mountains with a total of a foot or more on the ground by this evening in parts of the Shenandoah valley and the mountains to the west.
Forecasters expected the storm to dump as much as 10 feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada, where a blizzard warning was downgraded Friday evening to a winter storm warning.
Dad took Dashu to go crazy in the evening of the first snow and was scolded by mom.
In my solitude of heart, I feel the sigh of this widowed evening, veiled with mist and snow.
In my solitude of heart, I feel the sigh of this widowed evening, veiled with mist and snow.