He was deceived by his so-called friend.
Her so-called friend did not offer any help.
Not equal to friend of sincerity of 100 so-called friends.
Two days later, his life savings vanished, along with his so-called friend.
Is your so-called friend pressuring you to do things that you normally wouldn't?
A friend is a hand which pulls you up from darkness and despair when all your other "so-called friends" have helped to put you there.
So when a friend called to ask if I would like to cycle home from Switzerland with him, my hesitation was brief.
So it was with some surprise that a mutual friend of ours called recently to suggest that the two of us meet.
Vogel joked that he hoped the only reason his friend would be called on to use his access within "the next hundred years or so" would be if Vogel forgets his own passwords.
It is so hot that once when I had a fever a friend called and asked me how I felt and I said, "You know how dry and hot paper feels when it's been faxed?"
It's maybe uncomfortable, even very strange, to shoulder much more so-called responsibilities for a friend.
My agent called-so nice to be called by a friend!
Many would call sugar their friend in time of need, but in fact their so-called "good friend" could turn out to be their worst enemy in disguise.
And so he called his friend Fuguo, a taxi driver and local personality, who he said would take us to meet the Master.
Still, his friend, professor Ahnert, admits that cabruca is a tough sell: Farmers want more so-called modern approaches and quicker money.
So today I called him and his friend I met the first day to go into Qingdao.
Our electric furnace was broken, so we called my father's friend to mend it for us.
There is a ranch owner, called him every day at children ranch on hard work, a friend said to him: "Do not need you to let children work so hard, crops will be grown as well."
When my friend called me, I suddenly thought of our date, I was so sorry, it is my fault.
So, I had a friend take a bunch of pictures today at a beautiful place called Grandfather Rock.
所以今天,在一个叫Grandfather Rock的美丽地方,我让朋友帮我拍了很多照片。
We are always eager to meet a understand themselves, that is the so-called close friend. Ignore the side silently for some of us.
You are the world, the neighbour, the friend, the so-called enemy.
She was my so called "Best friend", I started at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine.
What made things even worse is that her friend was sleeping upstairs when the wall was built, so the police had to be called to help her get down again.
So the friend called his wife out to talk to the chi-kung master.
When all your other "so-called" friends leave you, a true friend will still stay with you.
God said: the so-called happiness, there is a thankful heart, a healthy body, the work of a heart, a love you, a trusted friend to help, when you received this information, all subsequent owners!
God said: the so-called happiness, there is a thankful heart, a healthy body, the work of a heart, a love you, a trusted friend to help, when you received this information, all subsequent owners!