Often, the relative performance of XML frameworks differs greatly depending on the size of documents being used, so I included both large and small documents in these performance tests.
Depending on the level of search-term sophistication and the size of the underlying data store, the return set of matches for any particular query may be so large as to be unusable.
The size of the meals is so large that the biggest winner from this night out is the family at home who will benefit from the leftover food taken home in special cartons.
So for large data files, such as movie-type images, the reliability of the server hosting the data and the size of that Internet pipe is very important.
But even when you're encoding CJK XML in UTF-8, the actual size gain compared to UTF-16 probably isn't so large.
但即使用utf - 8编码CJKXML,实际的大小可能也比utf - 16小。
This emulation creates a platform to experiment with new user interface metaphors so that when comparable large size displays are a reality, new applications will be ready to take advantage of it.
Logging to a database is somewhat slower than logging to text files, especially at busy sites, and the size of the database can become large so that maintenance becomes an issue.
A natural monopoly exists when the optimum size for a firm in some area of production is so large that there is room for only one such firm on the market.
So this seems very strange, that you have a very large size, and um, but you're eating something so small.
Unlike modern snakes, s. indicus lacked jaw joints that allowed it to open its mouth incredibly wide, so it relied on its large overall body size to prey on the fledgling dinosaurs.
有别于现代蛇类,Sanajeh indicus蛇不具备让它血口大张的颌骨关节,所以只能依靠其庞大身躯来猎食恐龙幼仔。
Large size parts generally refer to those parts with more than one meter long in each dimension, such as low-pressure cylinder of steam turbine, wing panel of plane and so on.
Our chef will be sampling the first piece pants waist size of misunderstanding into the middle of the waist size, so we will too large waist 4CM.
One limitation is size - the printers are about the size of a large filing cabinet, so at the moment, you can't print anything bigger than a mini-fridge.
Usually, the best indication is size - males grow larger than females in all crocodilian species, and so a very large individual is more likely to be a male.
About the size of a large gazebo, the chapel was banked with armloads of flowers, so that the air was pregnant with the scent of wet ferns and roses.
The company has perfect car rental management system, as well as admiration of the service quality and large size, so now in the heart of the people of Xiang Rong is a reliable car rental company.
The bearing capacity of super-long and large-diameter bored pile tip is influenced by the facts including construction process, depth effect, size effect and so on.
The method of the invention has the advantages of high yield ratio, large aspect ratio, uniform size and so on.
Because large and medium size hydrogenerator can't be operated and tested at factory, so the rated field current can't be corrected according to the real condition.
They are expensive but very small, so they are used where a large capacitance is needed in a small size.
This body structure supports more weight, so with the legs under their bodies, dinosaurs can grow to a very large size.
Even so, the image dimensions are still too large at 668 x 488 and the file size is still huge at 978 kb (almost 1 meg). At least I'm now focused on my subject, the dragonfly.
Also, here's the Photoshop PSD file in the original large size with the first scan, line art and masks, so you have a good copy to alter or improve yourself.
The ancestry of pedigree pooches is well recorded, their generation time is short and their litter size reasonably large, so there is plenty of material to work with.
The ancestry of pedigree pooches is well recorded, their generation time is short and their litter size reasonably large, so there is plenty of material to work with.