Okay so you do know what I mean when I say you have to remove inconsistent terms then?
So even though you probably won't be having a French conversation with your child very soon, if you say "bonne nuit" every night at bedtime, she'll figure out what you mean.
It's tempting when you are in a bad mood or when you don't want to be hurt to be passive aggressive, to not say what you mean, to make veiled hints in order to test the other person and so on.
You might say, "So what does that mean?"
Prof: Only number 1, exactly so. I say, could be, because it could be I can say the room is hot and that's an standard intonation that makes it a question. You see what I mean?
It is difficult to convey emotion or intent in an email message, so you must clearly state what you mean to say.
Okay I understand what you mean. So we can use different words to say the same thing in different situations.
I would even say they are illusion. But most of you might not understand what I mean by that. So that way, I will not go too much into that.
If you won't tell me what you mean plain out, just say so, and I'll leave the helm.
If you won't tell me what you mean plain out, just say so, and I'll leave the helm.