No one knows what triggered the vomiting syndrome, but stress is often a causative factor - so even that might have been linked to the disorders Darwin gained during the voyage.
Everyone knows this and it’s the reason so many people put off following their passion; they don’t want to find out that no one cares, and no one wants to buy what they have to offer.
No one knows why this should be so, though the study did find that the sunnier children were also more likely to drink and smoke in later life.
Drinking alcohol can raise blood pressure (though no one knows exactly why). If you drink, do so moderately—that means one drink a day for women, two drinks for men.
Anyone familiar with DataPower knows that security is Job one, so no major firmware release would be complete without further strides in this area.
Pío is now uprooting trees that are several centuries old. No one knows for certain why it has advanced so far and so fast over the past 80 years.
Pío XI冰川在扩展途中将有几个世纪树龄长的大树连根拔起,没有人知道为什么在过去的80年间它扩张得如此之远,如此之快。
Also, the orders are secret, so no one knows about that big oil find that Jethro discovered outside the back door of his home.
No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but we can save some money so that we can make better plans for tomorrow.
I believe that their own strength, believe the trusted peer selection, but no one knows what will be the result. So, you yourself, choose a not regret it.
Especially if the owner knows that no one's showing up, so they only staff the place with one server.
There is no one who knows so little that he or she can't teach another.
No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but we can save some money so that we can make better plans for tomorrow.
No one really knows Thane's background, but he has been teaching Alchemy in Bracada for so long that not even the elders remember a time without him.
No one really knows Thane's background, but he has been teaching Alchemy in Bracada for so long that not even the elders remember a time without him.