By comprehensive comparison, in cleaning fuels water slurry has an obvious social economic benefit and an environment benefit.
On the economic front, the two countries have consistently followed the principles of reciprocity and mutual benefit and their economic and trade cooperation yielded good economic and social results.
Practice has proved: the application of this system has remarkable economic and social benefit, has very good application prospects in the rubber production trade.
The method of the charge can be various, but at the Angle of economics, differential charge can provide better economic and social benefit.
The result of paving the experimental road section showed that the fiber asphalt mixture had good usage effect, longer road usage life, lower maintenance cost, and better economic and social benefit.
Enterprises are rational, they have the motive of "maximization of the economic benefit", so the social benefit of tax is not considered by the enterprises.
The application of nuclear energy and nuclear science and technology have already brought enormous economic benefit and social benefit to mankind, but the radiation followed may do harm to mankind.
The inner limitations are always there in university management, such as the variety and uncertainty of devotion and achievement, the mutual restriction of both social and economic benefit, etc.
Constructing and managing transit well not only brings transit benefit but more important brings economic, social and environmental benefit on this foundation.
It has acquired obvious social and economic benefit.
Compressed natural gas (CNG) automobile industry is a new industry, which has good economic and social benefit.
This paper introduces the structure and economic benefit of the electric boiler heat reservoir, points out the obvious economic and social benefit of this technology.
The treated wastewater can reach recycled water indexes. This can bring tremendous economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit for enterprises.
Mobile Personal Computer ( called Notebook PC) research and manufacture is a high technical industry; it brings most social effect and economic benefit because of the portable advantage.
The control system has achieved predefined control effect after the debugging of software and the adjusting of hardware, and has acquired significant social benefit and economic interests.
We have applied to Wells in Liaohe Oilfield and Shengli Oilfield and we have obtained good economic and social benefit, and it has been an important replacing technology for heavy oil recovery.
This research had the significant economic and social benefit.
So the packing that design method is improved has good economic and social benefit and longer lifetime.
It reduces construction period of 30%, economic and social benefit is very good.
If land is seen as a commodity to be bought and sold at will, much potential social, economic and cultural benefit is lost - this is the root issue.
Using the acid washing water can reduce pollution and the acidity of the water being drained off in fibre spinning technology. It has obvious economic benefit and social benefit.
With varied high quality service, they obtain great economic and social benefit.
The tendency of seeking lopsided economic benefit to the neglect of social benefit should be prevented.
Research and developed production of software in the field of traffic supervisory control shall have extensive application outlook, together with tremendous social and economic benefit.
Application of new process and new technology in ionic membrane caustic soda production. Its economic and social benefit were introduced.
Therefore, it is of great economic and social benefit to prevent and control hospital infection.
The duality of social benefit and economic benefit owned by the management of educational theory books decides its unique marketing mode.
Plant slope protection for river dike is a newly developed dike slope protection technology. The application of this technology could increase the social and economic benefit of dike works.
It can produce great economic and social (benefit) when put into batch production and operation.
It is an important measure that preventive maintenance be strengthened in keeping the safe and highly efficient operation of medial equipment for maximum social and economic benefit.