It reflects the differentiation logic of social reality and caters to the need of people's social status identity and self-status identity, people and objects forming a closed cycle.
The unique social scene of leisure offers particular chance for molding and representing individual self-identity.
The research suggests that things like personal identity, self-esteem and the social context in which a group is working are really very important factors in improving the performance of individuals.
To optimize social and self identity is the key to make mens liver-qi smooth, and regulate the blood-pressure.
The result is indicated threatening self-esteem would improve social identity, protruding the comparison between the in - and out - group would activate the strengthening of social identity.
The theory of "self verification-identity" suggested by Burke emphasizes the interaction between the individual by whom the social role is played and others.
The theory of "self verification-identity" suggested by Burke emphasizes the interaction between the individual by whom the social role is played and others.