Leading indicators and industrial production data suggest some moderation of the pace of growth in the second quarter, although that pace is still rapid.
For what it's worth, the data suggest that some countries—like Japan and Finland, see table—can eschew selection and still thrive.
Some now suggest, based on historic data, that the eruption may continue for months, causing periodic problems in European airspace.
New data from some of the world's leading climate researchers and institutions suggest that 2010 is shaping up to be one of the warmest years ever recorded.
Some of the data collected suggest that the ice around on the edges of Antarctica is melting at a quick pace.
The limited data we have suggest that some of these therapies become less effective over a period of 12 months, due in part to the patient's development of antibodies to these agents.
Conclusion These data suggest that chronic depression could result in brain atrophy and increase the fluidity of water in some brain areas of limbic system.
The data suggest that some of the environmental-protection efforts for the Olympics could have a lasting impact.
However, the weakness of Europe's economic data combined with signs of easing inflation pressures, suggest that the Bank may need to loosen policy at some stage.
In addition, there is some animal data previously published that suggest GLP-1 actions tend to increase the proliferation of the pancreatic duct is inhibited by metformin.
既往还有一些动物实验的数据显示,GLP - 1有促进胰管细胞增生的作用,而二甲双胍则可以抑制这种作用。
In addition, there is some animal data previously published that suggest GLP-1 actions tend to increase the proliferation of the pancreatic duct is inhibited by metformin.
既往还有一些动物实验的数据显示,GLP - 1有促进胰管细胞增生的作用,而二甲双胍则可以抑制这种作用。