In 1959's Some Like It Hot, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon join an all-girl band to hide from the mob.
"Somehow working with her on 'Some Like it Hot' had brought a sense of completion to my feelings for her," he wrote.
In 2002 he toured in a musical adaptation of "Some Like It Hot," in which he played the role of the love-addled millionaire originated by Joe e.
2002年,他参加了《热情似火》音乐改编剧的巡回演出,在剧中,他扮演的是被爱冲昏头脑的百万富翁该角色在电影原作中由乔·布朗Joe e。
She liked me to watch them with her, and we were allowed to stay up, because our mother said we would learn more from Some Like It Hot than from a year of school.
Wilder made famous movies like "Sunset Boulevard", "Some Like It Hot", and "Double Indemnity. " He also directed "The Lost Weekend", "The Apartment", and "The Seven Year Itch. "
They put the noodles into hot water for a brief blanch for seconds, and put it into a bowl with some fry soy beans, pickles, meat, vegetable, also chillies if you like.
Since it is summer now, I would like to share some Chinese Idioms about hot weather with you all.
While some people regularly use it to sweeten both cold and hot beverages, stevia does not have a taste, nor does it have the "mouth-feel" of regular sugar like some other low-calorie sweeteners.
While some people regularly use it to sweeten both cold and hot beverages, stevia does not have a taste, nor does it have the "mouth-feel" of regular sugar like some other low - calorie sweeteners.
During the drive I have a little debrief, and she said that it must have took some balls to take her to the hot tub place so soon like that.
I'd like some hot water with honey in it.
Some are personal concoctions; while most consist of soy sauce, vinegar, and hot pepper, some people like to beat a fresh egg, or just the white of it, into the sauce.
Some are personal concoctions; while most consist of soy sauce, vinegar, and hot pepper, some people like to beat a fresh egg, or just the white of it, into the sauce.