He knows that some time has passed and some of the other characteristics he remembers may have changed, even though she is still the same person.
Well feel calmer after some time has passed, and even if you still need to have the conversation, you might be able to broach it more productively.
You might well feel calmer after some time has passed, and even if you still need to have the conversation, you might be able to broach it more productively.
This is followed, either directly or after some time has passed, by execution of code - as part of which a request might be sent to yet another part of the universe, and so on.
Risks are identified, added to a risk list, discussed by some form of project steering committee, and if ever addressed by the team, this is not done until a significant amount of time has passed.
Finally, there is some particular uniqueness in retro photos; this uniqueness has already passed the test of time, thus deserved its place in the hall of the greatest photography legacy.
Finally, there is some particular uniqueness in retro photos; this uniqueness has already passed the test of time, thus deserved its place in the hall of the greatest photography legacy.