Adjust how tight you keep your lips, Sometimes keeping them loose works, some times not.
Some in the industry apparently do not want to pay for CFC substitutes, which can run five times the cost of CFC's.
Using asynchronous replicas is an alternative that avoids some of the performance overhead of synchronous replicas, but they are not guaranteed to be identical to the primary at all times.
They have been frowned upon, if not outright condemned, many times. Some people even refuse to open the door.
Some find jobs on farms, with minimum monthly salaries of about 1,000 rand ($142): not much, but still more than ten times a teacher's salary in Zimbabwe at the unofficial exchange rate.
有些人能在农场上找到工作,却只能得到大约一千南非兰特(一百四十二美元)的最低月工资。 这个工资本不算高,但是以黑市的货币兑换率来看的话,这相当于津巴布韦教师工资的十倍以上。
Although the functionality of the blocking queue is not compromised with this choice, use of pthread_cond_signal could potentially lead to unacceptable wait times for some reader threads.
If you're paying close attention, you'll register all The Times this combination occurs. If not, you'll miss some.
如果你能够集中足够的注意力,你能够记录所有这样的A - X组合情况,如果无法集中注意力,你会忽略一些组合。
Although the graphic contains only wait times and not the work times associated with these tasks, some questions stand out about the work time, regardless.
Many managers in China and other emerging markets are familiar only with good times, so some investors worry that they might not perform well if the economy stumbled.
God is fair to everyone. You will not fail all your life, but surely you will meet some upset times, which may be the best opportunities for you to start another new life.
Accordingly, there are times when we procrastinate simply because it is difficult for us to concentrate on a project, the benefits of which will not be realized until some time in the future.
Host family members, please realize that we Chinese are a little more reserved at times than some of your other friends, so be sure not to mistake this for displeasure on our part.
But not because the job is as influential as some loyal Times readers still seem to think.
It was an arduous journey to say the least and yes, there were some casualties... at times it seemed the record itself would not get out alive.
Some - times she would write to him three times a day, but she could not do without a confidant.
The world is not that simple, and we may need to deal at times with some pretty bad actors.
But the Financial Times is not facing the "existential crisis" that confronts some other newspapers, Mr. Ridding said.
As an extra twist, subjects were given different times that they had to deliver the sermon so that some would be in a hurry and others not.
And many places have plenty of water, or even far too much, at some times of year, but not nearly enough at others.
Other times we found multiple tutorials, some worked and others did not.
I'm not exactly sure why I saved everything, but I have some sort of idea. I never wanted to forget the great times I'd had growing up.
Several times during your workday find a quiet place. It may be at your desk, or if it is not quiet enough there, it can be at the bathroom, an empty room or some other quiet spot.
But, in fact, the opposite is true: More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
Finished top of their group with three matches to spare but the process was not as imperious as some would have liked, taking only one point off Bolivia and drawing 0-0 four times.
提前三场获得小组头名,但过程并非如某些人所愿般的顺风顺水,仅从玻利维亚身上取走一分,还有4场0 - 0的平局。
Such rates of drug-resistant TB are an astounding five times greater than the global average. Almaty is not alone – not among some of the former republics of the Soviet Union.
Not only are some of our stories “ripped from the headlines, ” but at times we’ve seen headlines that appear to be ripped from our show.
These are some simple stats on how often we found the data in Memcache vs. how many times we did not.
These are some simple stats on how often we found the data in Memcache vs. how many times we did not.