Game of Thrones' sixth season returns sometime in the spring of 2016.
However we anticipate that an initial "beta" draft of the standard will be published by OMG in spring 2009 with the final specification published sometime in 2010.
Thee surviving characters are expected to return in Season 6 of "Game of Thrones. " The show is expected to air sometime in spring 2016 on HBO.
幸存的角色们将回归《权利的游戏》第六季,预计将于2016年春天在HBO播出。 。
Thee surviving characters are expected to return in Season 6 of "Game of Thrones. " The show is expected to air sometime in spring 2016 on HBO.
幸存的角色们将回归《权利的游戏》第六季,预计将于2016年春天在HBO播出。 。