At first, the preface of this paper introduces the current status quo of sovereign debt restructuring.
We welcome the progress made to strengthen the orderliness and predictability of the sovereign debt restructuring process.
We will continue to promote the orderliness and predictability of sovereign debt restructuring processes and strengthen debt sustainability frameworks.
The World Bank's projections assume that efforts by the IMF and European institutions will stave off a default or major European sovereign debt restructuring.
Sovereign debt restructuring is generally described as any re-arrangement of payment concerning the existing debts between a sovereign debtor and its creditors.
It is striking, though, that the scenarios for the tests do not fully include the outcome the markets are most concerned about: restructuring sovereign debt.
Under a sovereign CDS, a claim depends on a "credit event", which is defined broadly as a failure to pay interest, a moratorium on principal repayments or a restructuring of the debt.
That failure sparked a quest, led by the IMF, for international rules to govern sovereign-debt restructuring.
So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy’s own creditworthiness.
So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy's own creditworthiness.
Behind the scenes, sovereign-debt specialists are devising ways to minimise the impact of an "orderly restructuring" on Banks.
Behind the scenes, sovereign-debt specialists are devising ways to minimise the impact of an "orderly restructuring" on Banks.