I have big plans for the future of Ridiculously Extraordinary (speaking to high school and college students and writing a series of print books, among other things) and they won't happen without you.
'The Gliese system is particularly exciting to us as it's very close to Earth, relatively speaking. So with future generations of telescopes, we'll be able to search for life on Gliese 581d directly.
Speaking from the generation of the principle of the closest connection, the status of our closest connection principle applies, and made recommendations to the relevant legislation in the future.
Speaking in London about his research, Prof Hwang warned people not to expect clinical applications of therapeutic cloning in the near future.
It would be difficult not to feel excited and optimistic about the future of this country when speaking to her.
Speaking without notes, the Pope said little in his homily to review his vision for the future of the church beyond urging his fellow cardinals to shun worldliness and be more focused on the Gospels.
Basically speaking the essence of the education crisis is that education can't complete as mission of creating the future.
So ten turns speaking their mind and finally a summary of eight said they would book more than Aspect, we will never find a girlfriend, that in the future to find a good job.
Future firefighters could tackle raging blazes with a blast of electricity, said researchers speaking at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in California.
In the near future we plan to introduce a fully localized, Spanish version of our web site to better serve the increasing number of Spanish-speaking investors from Latin America and Spain.
Lastly, it discusses its application in the teaching of such courses as literature, speaking, reading, writing and translation. General stylistics is believed to be a promising area in the future.
Speaking at the fourth annual World Future energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, Ban said renewable energy could help solve a number of the planet's most pressing problems.
With the increase of performances abroad, and in order to build his confidence to talk to foreigners in future, Liu would like to get EF teacher's help, to further improve his English speaking skill.
With the increase of performances abroad, and in order to build his confidence to talk to foreigners in future, Liu would like to get EF teacher's help, to further improve his English speaking skill.