The EAT report presumes that "traditional diets" in countries like India include little red meat, which might be consumed only on special occasions or as minor ingredients in mixed dishes.
The bar and kitchen feature a reclaimed wood base, twine-wrapped columns and a wall of ingredients to the rear, where the chefs and bar staff work tirelessly to create something special.
Her concoction of hops, barley, yeast, and water (and a few other special ingredients), was an instant hit, and has remained the cornerstone of a university education ever since.
Toothpastes don't just clean teeth anymore. They have special ingredients for preventing decay, plaque control, tartar control, whitening, gum care or helping sensitive teeth.
Ingredients to avoid "None," according to Diabetes UK, "apart from special diabetic foods." They do not provide any nutritional benefits and are expensive.
避免使用的食材:根据英国糖尿病协会(Diabetes UK)的说法,没有,“除了一些特殊的糖尿病人食品,它们昂贵且没有营养价值,通常含高脂肪并且仍然影响血糖水平。”
The trick is that one of those ingredients is different from the others, one of them is special: labor.
Among these eight ingredients, encoding and decoding are of special significance because communication is achieved by encoding a message into a signal and by decoding this signal at the receiving end.
Special blending operations give you options for blending other ingredients.
Special ingredients required for the preparation of certain dishes or snacks should be provided by the chefs and the Organizing Committee should be notified accordingly at the time of registration.
Main Ingredients: Herbal extract, HOE hair treatment essence, protein, compound amino acid, hair core recovering factor, BAS molecule, and essence with special flavor, etc.
Contain active ingredients and spices special in this kind of cosmetics, can effectively inhibit and prevent the occurrence of sporadic and sweaty.
Super Cleanse For Your Colon (with its aqueous coating) utilizes a special tableting process to promote the rapid release of its ingredients.
Its manufacturing process including the special recipe, longer shelf-life, no artificial ingredients, and product variety differentiated the brand and positioned it distinctively.
For example, in a recent referendum in Oregon, voters rejected a proposal to require special labels on all products containing biotech ingredients by an overwhelming 73% to 27%.
Be assured that the range of Celebrity Slim meal replacement products will maintain the highest quality of ingredients and special formulation to keep you feeling full and satisfied.
Most ingredients you buy from special wizard shops – you can get them delivered by owl post.
Used to infuse many ingredients with flavored smoke created by heating special sawdust, the Smoking Gun is a favorite and efficient way to give dishes more flavor.
When other special ingredients are added, paper of different characteristic are made.
AyuKid is a herbal combination of safe and selected herbs, made from time tested natural ingredients to take care of the special requirements of the children.
This product uses polymer materials, add special enhancer ingredients, made by a special processing technology manufacturing.
From ancient cultures, we learn the special healing powers of natural ingredients.
The vodka recipe includes special ingredients which endows the aroma with light tones of citrus and origanum.
Dongjiu Liquor has a special production technology, special ratio of the trace ingredients and an unique style.
Our Spaghetti is special because of its SAUCE, which we uses over 90minutes to stew and uses many natural ingredients, making it healthy and tasty.
After injection, pickling, tumbling, massaging procedures, abundant ingredients and special flavor fully permeate through beef tissue.
A week in advance, I made out my grocery list, including ingredients for my special fruit punch2.
A week in advance, I made out my grocery list, including ingredients for my special fruit punch2.