The normal way to fetch policy Settings is to request a policy from a named policy set and yield all the Settings from a specific revision of the policy.
There are many outstanding 3 months bills as well as 30 year bonds, but only one specific one will be picked to be reflected on the yield curve.
Searches on the site yield specific videos as well as topic categories, when applicable.
The yield curve is shaped by very specific securities, whose yield is taken as a benchmark for that period.
On one proposal, conflicting general principles are "specified" to yield compatible norms for a specific case.
MySQL is the story repository; it is a relational database able to yield specific data quickly.
Rather than cranking up the output level for the entire application, perhaps focusing in on a specific package will yield more information.
Recompiling certain apps or libraries so that they are optimized for size and targeted to the specific CPU you are using can yield some memory gains.
Analytics can yield interesting and useful customer insights to understand customer trends and behavior and to make sure that customers know about specific and targeted offers.
You'll also find that giving specific, step-by-step instructions, backed by consequences, will yield much better results.
The approaches are not identical: rather than targeting a specific interest rate (the yield on ten-year Treasury bonds, say), the Fed has announced the total amount of bonds it intends to buy.
So what is the value to the company beyond the results that specific projects yield?
In a pot experiment, tillers at specific stem nodes were artificially removed to study the productivity, growth redundancy and yield over-compensation capacity of rice plants.
Application of in situ product removal techniques in ethanol fermentation is a new techniques, which enhance the density of yeast, finally enhance the yield of the specific product-ethanol.
The major mathematical models used to calculate shareholder value return are total value yield, specific shareholder value yield and annual value yield.
The refinery GAS analysis, yield, variability, and best utilization vary greatly with every specific refinery.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of new potato specific fertilizer on the yield and quality of potato.
Under the field experiment conditions, effects of site-specific nitrogen management(SSNM)on grain yield and grain quality of rice were studied.
The breeding process of a food corn hybrid variety: Jinxiannuo No. 105 was explained and its yield characters, specific properties, suitable cultivation zones were studied.
Alternatively, one may utilize the wave equation and appropriate boundary conditions to yield a specific solution.
GAS analysis, yield, variability, and best utilization vary greatly with every specific refinery.
Therefore, the new potato specific fertilizer can improve the yield and quality of potato, as well as fertilizer nutrients use efficiency. The economic benefit of potato was remarkable.
The influence of preparation conditions such as activated temperature and time on yield, specific surface area and adsorption behavior towards n-butane thiol was studied.
The groundwater recharge, specific yield of aquifer, groundwater storage and the yield can also be gotten by the said method.
Of methods of extraction of phycocyanin from cyanobacterium spirulina, treatment with anion surfactant of certain concentration affords good yield of high specific content. 98% recovery is available.
When the KOH content is 10%, the obtained GACs have higher specific surface area, higher yield rate and lower ash content.
This article introduces a method for determining hydrogeological parameters such as the field capacity in zone of aeration and the specific yield in aquifer where water content is varied.
With the study of cofactor, the active sites can be investigated. The approaches of increasing TAP's specific activity and yield are analyzed.
The fact of borrowing and change in internal factor of word's meaning can yield new non-specific sense with a relativiy higher grade. Non-specialization of technical terms has broad prospects.
The fact of borrowing and change in internal factor of word's meaning can yield new non-specific sense with a relativiy higher grade. Non-specialization of technical terms has broad prospects.