The goal of the XSL file is to identify the anchor, specify how to get from that anchor to the data we are looking for (in short hops), and construct an XML output file in the format we want.
A logging function is available to collect performance data, allowing the user to specify the counters to be monitored and output the data to a file.
Typically, output from the template goes to whatever output file you specify when you run the XSL translator — usually a file or a standard out (that is, the console or the default output file).
One thing to notice here is that I had to use a format statement to specify that the output file should be HTML.
有必要指出,这里必须使用格式语句规定输出文件是HTML 格式。
The -diff option is used to specify exactly how to obtain the diff output for each file.
In the Output file path field, specify the location where you want Bonita to save the PDF version of the room-booking summary report.
在Out put文件路径字段,指定您想要Bonita保存客房预订汇总报告pdf版本的位置。
You can then configure its output through the same property file; you only need to specify the Logger name and filter it, add appenders, etc. The class is shown in Listing 6.
specify a trace file. If you don't, all tracing output will go to
指定TraceFile记录文件.如果不指定,所有的记录输出将会加入到 stderr标准错误之中
The v, f, and p options specify verbose output (prints the files being added/extracted), writes/reads from a file (instead of a tape device), and retains permissions and ownership, respectively.
For the get operation, specify the file in HDFS to extract (from your output subdirectory) and the file name to write in the local file system (output.txt).
对于get操作,指定HDFS中要提取的文件(来自out put子目录)和在本地文件系统中要写的文件(out put .txt)。
One of these remains standard output, while the other is a file whose name you specify on the command line.
The output directive is used to specify the generated text file type.
We need to specify the target output file, source-code directories, resources, and the reference libraries.
The ability to specify the output format as a prefix is convenient if you do not want your output file to have a format-specific file extension.
Besides specifying the format of the data that is to be written to the output file, you must also provide the name of that file, and an SQL SELECT statement to specify the data that is to be exported.
Make sure to specify an output file name, and then click Apply.
Using the XSL: result-document tag in the XSL template, you can specify a new file to hold the output.
在xsl模板中使用xsl:result - document标签,可以指定新的文件来保存输出。
The default output file is called trace.trcxml, but you can specify a different file name using the file= filename parameter.
默认输出文件名为 trace.trcxml,但您可以使用file=filename 参数指定其他文件名。
A false value for the ok variable triggers the script to output a VXML fragment that redirects the user to the addentry.vxml file that will ask the user to re-specify their appointment information.
ok变量的值为false将触发脚本输出一个vxml代码段,用于将用户重定向到addentry . vxml文件,该文件将要求用户重新指定其约会信息。
To specify that the output of the minimal or maximal trace options should be written to a file, the output keyword should be used, or the exception.output keyword for the exception option
要将 minimal或maximal跟踪选项的输出写到文件中,应该使用output 关键字,对于exception选项使用 exception.output 关键字
All we need to do is call the Merge method and specify the input files and output file.
You must specify a region for the output file.
O is used for the name of the output file and - I is used to specify paths to other IDL files you want to include.
o用来指定输出文件的名称。-I 用来指定你需要包含的其他IDL文件的路径。
Specify a valid command or batch file, and any required input or output files.
The output file that you specify in the project has no effect on the name that the build script generates; it declares only an intention.
The output file that you specify in the project has no effect on the name that the build script generates; it declares only an intention.