Conveyers and robots take the evolving computer from station to station; each unit arrives in front of a worker a split second after she has finished with the previous one.
The results revealed the participants' estimates of aggression correlated highly with the actual aggressive behaviour of the men - even if they only saw the picture for a split second.
There was never any question of detaining or capturing him-it wasn't a split-second decision.
Somehow I saw it out of the corner of my eye and jerked her over onto my lap a split second before it crashed on the spot where she had been sitting.
And the cellphone that took a split-second dip in Brazilian waters? Well, a device could have sucked the moisture right out of it.
Sometimes you will be just out somewhere and all of a sudden, a beautiful, profound idea will enter your thoughts in a split second.
Add a line break before the second through fifth labels, and change the width of the Split Container to 800 pixels so that the label and field will display on the same line.
And her hunky new guy (who split with girlfriend of 14 years Heidi Bivens in March) is completely on board with having a baby, a second insider says: "They both want it to happen soon."
而男友也很想要宝宝,两人都希望尽早过上一家三口的生活。 贾斯汀·塞洛克斯在三月份和相恋长达14年的女友海蒂分手。
The second split method demonstrates using a different token character -- in this case, a colon -- to split a string into a sequence of strings.
The second for loop also shows how to split a string into a list of substrings (using the space character to indicate the boundaries of substrings).
The values of the parameter must be dynamic to get a dynamic Web service to change its status from external to internal, or vice versa, in a split second.
After 10 seconds your race-car will have traveled a distance of 10.0. If you split this calculation up like a game would do, you have the following function using frames per second as input.
He had read the biographical sketches of all of the forty-one lawyers in the firm, and in a split second he had recalled that Lamar Quin had gone to Kansas State.
Some of the bulls weigh over 2000 pounds (900 kilos) and can throw a rider off in a split second - and may even stomp on the rider afterwards.
The results revealed the participants' estimates of aggression correlated highly with the actual aggressive behaviour of the men-even if they only saw the picture for a split second.
And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life of that little boy to pieces.
Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make better results.
Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make greater achievement.
In a second set of experiments, a new set of 37 volunteers were presented with the 'trustworthy' and 'untrustworthy' images for a split second, while their brain activity was monitored.
The airship angles straight up a split second before reaching the end of the trench, hurtling vertically toward the outer atmosphere.
Imagine what it will be like to know what a person has been doing since last time you have seen her or him, just in the space of a split second, just by looking at them.
Violation of a split second, accident in an instant.
The first floor of the upper unit functions as an office, while on the second floor a split-level living room and kitchen open onto a deck with a small sod roof of California native grasses.
It's the space between parts of a split second .
And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life of that little boy to pieces.
For a split second, when most of the sun's globe is below the horizon, the only part showing is that blue-green sliver along the top.
For a split second, when most of the sun's globe is below the horizon, the only part showing is that blue-green sliver along the top.