By means of an actual power system the described electricity market equilibrium is simulated, simulation results show that the proposed equilibrium state of spot electricity market is practicable.
Spot price is an important idea in electricity market.
Furthermore, financial markets for electricity can provide the market participants with risk-management tools and smooth the volatility of the spot price.
Based on the concept of load-price elasticity, the principle of marginal cost pricing, and conditions of the deregulated retail electricity market, the model of spot pricing was deduced.
Based on Zhejiang province electricity market, the paper proposes the pricing model of reactive compensation, and derivate the spot pricing of reactive power in math at last.
This paper presents the analysis of spot prices based on data of Zhejiang electricity market.
In the electricity markets, the volatility of spot price is strong. That brings large risks to market participants, especially to Grid Companies.
For keeping the stability, it is necessary to set up generating capacity market besides spot market. That ensures the electricity market in the state of effective competition.
For keeping the stability, it is necessary to set up generating capacity market besides spot market. That ensures the electricity market in the state of effective competition.