Increasing sag will also decrease bottoming resistance, though spring rate has a bigger effect than sag.
This timing is affected by the relationship among poppet weight, spring rate, poppet travel distance, plunger speed, and plunger diameter.
We have an empirical knowledge that the rear suspension should have a higher spring rate than front one, in order to reduce pitching motion.
Then, by applying a method of successive searching approximation, all the forces loaded on each leaf, and the stresses, deflection curve and spring rate of each leaf can be worked out.
The jobless rate, meanwhile, stayed at 7.8% of the Labour force-well up on the 5.2% recorded in late 2007, before the recession had begun, but still lower than feared last spring.
As spring progressed, warmer temperatures began melting snow, which raised the rate of inflow to the lake.
Had he lived a little later, Horace might have found out from the U.S. Census Bureau that the death rate is usually lower in autumn than in winter and spring.
Last spring, Zhang Bin, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Science, proposed a one-time appreciation, followed by a return to a pegged exchange rate.
No doubt services would spring up to rate the healthfulness of different restaurants, just as services like Zagat rate the quality of the food and service offered in different restaurants.
This spring the default rate on American credit CARDS was a record 13%, according to Fitch.
These precedents suggest that the unemployment rate, which has already gone up from 5.4% in spring 2008 to 7.1%, will carry on rising and end a lot higher, almost certainly above 10%.
Further increases in the cost of imported commodities and this month's rise in value-added tax (VAT) are likely to push the rate above 4% by spring.
Citigroup's April loss rate was 5.74%, compared with 5.37% in March and 4.09% last spring.
The calculation models of the effective area, the rate of change of the effective area and the rate of change of the effective volume are established for the diaphragm air spring.
According to statistics, the week before the Spring Festival holiday, the average annualized yield rate of the bank issued RMB products with closed-end expected yield rate was 4.18%.
The results showed that shoot segment in vitro survive rate is larger in spring than in autumn, and green dense callus could form plantlet.
This method requires higher quality of the scion, in the windy spring drought in the north, the survival rate is not stable.
Clarity around, ChunYang ZhaoLin, ChunYang ZhaoLin, spring rain FeiSa, planting trees survival rate high, grow fast.
Suitable reaping time is defined by investigating effect of 3 different times on agronomic traits, yield, bolting rate and soft rot rate of carrot seeded in spring.
通过春种胡萝卜的3 个不同收获期对其植物学性状、产量、抽薹率及软腐病发病率影响的调查分析,摸索出其较适宜的收获期。
Under different fertilization conditions, both growing status and N_2O emission rate of spring wheat are different and the excess fertilization rasults in a higher N_2O emission rate.
For the neonates who were born in spring, the malformation rate is high.
The wild fish captured in spring can spawn in autumn by use of reproductive control method. The viable egg rate is 23.4%.
When conducting analysis method of reducing dimension to the rate of picking up spring plastic mulch, the analysis was conducted with comparing with the rate of picking up autumn plastic mulch.
Till right now, the accumulate click rate is: 194,062 (including the Spring Festival holidays).
Takeing Shuanggou Spring Area in Daliuta Coal Field as example, spring flow rate has been predicted by using this model under both natural and dewatering conditions.
The highest positive rate of rv was observed in summer and autumn, while that of Shigella was noted in winter and spring.
The highest positive rate of rv was observed in summer and autumn, while that of Shigella was noted in winter and spring.