Most people try NOT to simply use scaling for squash and stretch.
It would also allow users to create retargetable squash and stretch animation.
Squash and Stretch was also initially done to prevent strobing due to lack of motion blur.
Squash and stretch is a way of deforming an object such that it shows how rigid the object is.
In this collection of lessons we will learn about the Animation Principle of Squash and Stretch.
TOFU, who is named after the squashing and stretching food product, can also squash and stretch.
If a character or part of a character doesn't maintain volume with squash and stretch, believeability will be lost.
Real squash and stretch is usually some part of an object deforming differently that just a simple scale up or down.
An important note about squash and stretch, is that no matter how an object deforms, it should still appear to retain it's volume.
Squash and stretch the meat into place to replicate a severed arm, then remove any portions of the original arm to complete the effect.
From here we'll also discuss the benefits of using pegs and how they allow us the freedom to squash and stretch individual parts of our character.
Animating very cartoony motion with lots of squash and stretch on a realistic looking object may not look believable, as would realistic motion on a caricatured object.
This presents a challenge to get CG squash and stretch looking as nice as drawn poses, since it's usually a bit tougher to easily animate random shape deformation.
I hope it has given you a clearer understanding of how lead and follow, squash and stretch, shape changes and timing can play a role in your facial animation, just as in the rest of your animation.
Analyze a character in a specific pose for the best areas to show stretch and squash. Keep these areas simple.
Analyze a character in a specific pose for the best areas to show stretch and squash. Keep these areas simple.