They have learned that there are five stages of sleep.
Scientists have identified various stages of sleep.
There are several different stages of sleep, and they too ur in cycles.
It's known that levels of growth hormone rise during certain stages of sleep.
A "nightcap" might help you get to sleep, but alcohol keeps you in the lights stages of sleep.
Then they explored the various aspects of mood and their relationship to the various stages of sleep and dreaming.
The first group took longer to enter the first of the deeper stages of sleep and spent less time in the deepest one.
We've mentioned that sleepwalking occurs during your deepest stages of sleep, stages 3 and 4, when brainwaves are very slow.
Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles.
Tononi has gotten similar results when he has delivered pulses to sleeping people - or at least people in dream-free stages of sleep.
Scientists have identified various stages of sleep, and they have found that humans can function well on very little sleep, but only if they dream.
It's known that levels of growth hormone rise during certain stages of sleep. So researchers wanted to know more about the link between sleep and growth.
As movie plots are constructed out of old movies, so does rem and other stages of sleep remix new information with old memories, forming a huge part of our identity.
Sponsored by the leading mobile phone companies, it showed that using handsets just before going to bed caused people to take longer to reach deeper stages of sleep.
Despite its reputation as a relaxer, alcohol keeps you in the lighter, less restorative stages of sleep, when you're likely to wake if the dog so much as sighs.
Troxel utilized sleep monitoring equipment to measure the patients’ length of continuous sleep, interrupted sleep, length of different stages of sleep, and body movements.
Troxel utilized sleep monitoring equipment to measure the patients' length of continuous sleep, interrupted sleep, length of different stages of sleep, and body movements.
Avoid alcoholic drinks before bedtime - it might help you to fall asleep, but keeps you in the light stages of sleep, causing you to wake up in the middle of the night.
They found that not only do humans need less sleep than chimps, macaques and lemurs, we spend a greater percentage of our slumber in the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep.
I advise keeping the nap between 15 and 30 minutes as you want to avoid getting into deeper stages of sleep. If you do, you'll find it harder to wake and may experience the groggy feeling for a while.
We are still in the exploratory stages of this project, although what's noteworthy is that East Asians on average sleep about an hour and a half less each night than North Americans do.
Though it may cause you to become drowsy, alcohol fragments the stages of your sleep and makes it more disrupted.
We may learn differently during different sleep stages, says German sleep expert Professor Jan Born from the University of Lübeck.
He said patients suspected of being in a non-reversible coma should be "tested 10 times" and that comas, like sleep, have different stages and need to be monitored.
Clearly sleep made a difference, but that difference didn't relate to how much time one spent in each of the various sleep stages.
In the deeper stages of non-REM sleep brain activity is slower.
In the deeper stages of non-REM sleep brain activity is slower.