Each player tries to stake out territory and surround his opponent.
So, each of you should make a flag and stake out your 10,000 kilometers.
The point is not to stake out different positions but to own the popular issue.
Immediately, people will stake out their positions and the room will erupt into chaos.
Let me stake out more precisely the narrow path that would allow Europe to pass through this minefield.
Hours before midnight people arrived at Harbor Bridge to stake out good seats for the 12-minute display.
And I'm still hungry — I think there's a piece left in the kitchen. I'll stake out a claim for it, if you guys don't mind.
During a bull fight, the bull will sometimes stake out a particular part of the ring where it feels safe: its querencia.
Construction stake out the core work of surveying and mapping professional to play an important role in the construction of modern engineering.
Ambiguity about the action to take prompts decision makers to stake out different claims about what to do and to use fuzzy arguments to support their views.
What seems to have happened is that Mr. Obama's caution, his reluctance to stake out a clearly partisan position, led him to propose a relatively weak, incomplete health care plan.
There is a basic conflict in cyberspace: the owners of neighboring rights stake out that they should control and monopolize the rights, but the users want to acquire information freely.
That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to specific types of online transactions.
Although the social participants on these sites are often more active in socializing than they are in blogging, there's still that need to stake out your own piece of real estate on the web.
It may seem like a textbook example of Lamarckism, but giraffes who can evolve the most stretch in their necks can stake out an adaptation with their bodies long enough for their genes to catch up.
With so much at stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change in the Arctic.
News Corporation already holds a controlling 39% stake in Sky, which grew out of a business that Rupert Murdoch built in the 1980s.
Repsol's dividends are still sufficient to pay the interest on the loan Sacyr took out to buy its stake.
Mr Allen eventually walked out of the company in 1983 (although he kept his stake in the business), leaving Mr Gates in sole charge of Microsoft, which then went on to turn both men into billionaires.
Goldman partners, he points out, receive a sizeable chunk of their pay in stock and are required to maintain their ownership stake until retirement.
Polls show most Americans are against bailing out GM, but if their own jobs were at stake I am sure they would have a different view.
Some taxpayers may be wondering if it would be best to delay selling the Treasury stake until GM’s recovery plans bear further fruit and its shares rise far enough to cancel out any losses.
Mr Saverin's equity stake is diluted for reasons that he strongly objects to and he falls out with the other owners, including Mr Zuckerberg, the company's chief executive.
At stake are hundreds of millions of dollars for programs to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis, prevent and treat H.I.V. infections and wipe out malaria.
Of course Perry is also a movie-making machine churning out at least one film per year and he has a significant ownership stake in those films as well.
Of course Perry is also a movie-making machine churning out at least one film per year and he has a significant ownership stake in those films as well.