Second, we need to center development activities around stakeholder needs.
Third, we need to understand what assets are available, then balance asset reuse with stakeholder needs.
Rather than sending our programming teams out to attack each element in a requirements list, the first thing we need to do is to understand and prioritize business and stakeholder needs.
Successful agile implementations need executive champions, stakeholder buy-in and structural change in the organization - and these can only happen through executive sponsorship.
In an interdependent global economy, yes, we need China to be a responsible stakeholder.
The stakeholder goals document has one fundamental purpose: to express what various stakeholders need in business terms as opposed to technical terms.
The author is free to do so, and may have done it to reduce clutter or otherwise address the need to communicate with some stakeholder that the author has in mind.
Interviews need not last longer than about an hour, though follow-up meetings may be called for if a particular stakeholder is identified as an exceptionally valuable source of information.
Interviews need not last longer than about an hour, though follow-up meetings may be called for if a particular stakeholder is identified as an exceptionally valuable source of information.